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It’s Always “Cool” to Thaw and Avoiding Frozen Pipes

The second installment of our “winter plumbing tutorial,” will focus on your role in dealing with or avoiding all together the issue of frozen pipes. We all know that as the fall months of October and November turn over into the frosty winter months of December and January here in North Carolina,  there is still a chance of winter plumbing hazards, but thanks to the most trusted name in Raleigh professional plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing, you can follow the easy steps belows listed below, to try and steer clear of a costly catastrophe as you Thaw and Avoiding Frozen Pipes.

Case in point that we are not yet completely “out of the water,” when it comes to needing to know the proper steps to take to Thaw and Avoiding Frozen Pipes is the recent colder weather we have seen in the past two weeks that has dipped at night below 40 degrees and even into the lower 30’s. Your pipes can freeze once the temperature does drop to 32 degrees Fahrenheit and those most vulnerable to the possibility of freezing would be any located in a basement area, a crawl space, an unconditioned or unfinished attic, those located on an exterior wall, and even pipes located underground.

When looking at it in those terms, pretty much any homeowner would have some type of piping in one of those location, thus, the Raleigh plumbing experts at Poole’s Plumbing can assist you with a few key pointers to Thaw and Avoiding Frozen Pipes at each location you may have them. If you happen to turn on a faucet and no water pours out, it could be due to a blockage caused by ice and in each given location, these following “do-it-yourself” tips could prove priceless in avoiding disaster.

Exposed Pipes

  • Remember to open up the faucet to relieve pressure
  • When suspecting a possible frozen pipe, always shut off the main water supply in case it has burst
  • Usage of a hair dryer, electric heating pad, or space heater can help in thawing, but NEVER use an open flame to try and thaw an exposed pipe

Pipes Behind a Wall

  • The easiest and safest method with these pipes is to turn your thermostat up and wait for them to thaw.
  • In situations that need to be addressed immediately, carefully cut a whole in the wall and utilize any of the above methods listed for thawing an exposed pipe

Avoiding Frozen Pipes in the Future

  • Before the winter months arrive, be sure that all garden hoses are disconnected from any spigots
  • Keep a faucet that may be connected to a line that would be in danger of freezing open to allow just a small trickle of cold water to run over night
  • Keep cabinets that it below your sinks open to allow the warm air from your home to circulate around them
  • Insulate any exposed, external wall pipes
  • Never leave your thermostat below 55 degrees in any situation, even if going out of town or on vacation for an extended period of time.

By following these easy to do, at home tips from the pros at Poole’s Plumbing, you can not only Thaw and Avoiding Frozen Pipes, but you also can avoid serious water and financial damage with very little preparation or effort.


Save Money with Simple Water Conservation in the Bathroom

Everyone would like to save on costly water and utility bills each month, and through several easy and simple checks and steps that can be done and followed for Water Conservation in the Bathroom, the professional Raleigh plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing can help you get on the path to saving.

The first area to touch upon to help with Water Conservation in the Bathroom is your shower and bathtub. To begin here, a simple check of your showerhead would be in order. Aiming the head at a one-gallon bucket and timing to see how long it takes to fill can tell you when it may be time for a replacement. If the bucket is filled in less that 20 seconds you will want to look at replacing it with a more efficient, low-flow showerhead. Not only are the low flow models great for Water Conservation in the Bathroom, they are inexpensive and easy to install, they can cut your usage by more than 500 gallons of water per week. This combined with keeping a close eye on the time you and other family members actually spend taking a shower and limiting it to 5 minutes can save on average another 1,000 gallons of water per month.

In the bathtub there are also some very easily monitored step that can help you with Water Conservation in the Bathroom. For starters, using a plug before turning the water on as you adjust the temperature will help to avoid wasting water, as will having your very young children take a bath together rather than having to fill the tub and go through the entire process multiple times.

The toilet is an obvious spot in the bathroom where by just making sure all pieces and parts are operating correctly can get you on your desired path to Water Conservation in the Bathroom. The tank and flapper are both spots on the toilet that you want to check regularly to be sure they are functioning properly. The “food coloring” test is an easy way to be certain the tank isn’t leaking, as by putting a few drops in, you can tell it is leaking if the color seeps into the bowl. If there is a leak, it is an easy fix for the pros at Poole’s Plumbing and can conserve over 600 gallons per month. As for the flapper, checking on a consistent basis to sure it isn’t sticking will help with your Water Conservation in the Bathroom efforts. Also, if you hear a toilet flushing itself or constantly running, this also is more than likely an easily fixed leak and if not addressed could lead to wasting more than 500 gallons of water weekly. One last tip that may seem obvious, but can really help conserve is to put your tissues into the trash as opposed to flushing them down, as this also can add up with each wasted flush.

Lastly, monitoring your water usage at the sink can be another simple avenue to help with Water Conservation in the Bathroom. Again, these are common sense ways to save, as by just turning the faucet off while you brush your teeth, the average family of four would conserve about 200 gallons per week. Doing the same while shaving would save around 100 gallons a week as well. Much like recommended above with the toilets, when hearing a consistent drip from the faucet, having to problem rectified in a timely manner can also lead to big savings both with water and in your wallet.

Water Conservation in the Bathroom can be easily achieved and lead to you not wasting water or money unnecessarily. The plumbing experts at Poole’s Plumbing recommend these tips to you in beginning your conservation efforts and in Part Two of our water conservation articles will remind you of more simple ways to conserve water and money throughout the rest of the house.

Why it is Important to Keep Your Drains Clean and Clear

Maintaining a clean sink or bathtub drain is important for many reasons and can be done with minimal effort to help avoid running into costly and possibly dangerous plumbing issues. One obvious reason to clean your drains on a consistent basis is to avoid unpleasant odors. A more serious problem that could result from a neglected drain is the risk of pesky drain gnats. Also, failure to keep your drains clean will lead to buildup that eventually will cause water in your sink or tub to empty at a much slower rate. If you’ve tried your own maintenance and at home remedies and the problem with your drain persist, it may be time to call the most trusted name in Raleigh professional plumbing, Poole’s Plumbing to come and be sure the issue escalates no further.

As mentioned in the preceding paragraph, to Keeping Your Drains Clean is a simple process that can be done at home as long as you are willing to take a few minutes every few days to do so. The simplest way of avoiding unwanted buildup is to run scalding hot water through your tub and sink drains every couple days to make sure that there is no clogging and to keep gunk from building up. There are also many products available for purchase at most stores, that can keep your drains smelling clean and fresh. If you do notice buildup starting or clogging in your pipes it is best to immediately address the issue as early as possible, as neglecting these things could prove an expensive and messy mistake.

You must realize that to Keep Your Drains Clean that are clogged is not necessarily an immediate disaster, as there are many tried and true remedies that can be made to clear them, right in your home. Most of these solutions are made from items that you already have on hand. One of these tried and true methods is to pour one tablespoon of baking soda into the tub or sink drain. Immediately dump ¼ cup of either lemon juice or vinegar down the same drain and let it sit for 30 minutes. Finally, run hot water through the drain. Repeating this on a weekly basis will help clear buildup and prevent the clog from recurring. Additionally, this will help eliminate unwanted, foul odors. Another at home method is to pour a strong salt water mixture through your drains. This is a proven way to keep grease from buildup and to reduce bad odors.

If you have tried the at home remedies and found them not working, there are many popular and potent chemical solutions that can be purchased at nearly any store or supermarket. If these chemicals do not work, it is best to call a professional plumber, who will be able to remove any blockage and have your drains flowing freely in short order.

There are many different websites that can offer up tips on keeping your drains clean through these and a variety of other methods in an eco-friendly manner. For further information on this topic, check cleaning or maintaining drains in the home improvement sections of any of the following sites,,, or

As stated in our first paragraph of this article, there are many reasons why a clogged or dirty drain is something not to be ignored. If this a persistent problem, be sure to contact the most trusted name in Raleigh professional plumbing, Poole’s Plumbing.