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Bathroom Water Conservation Tips Can Help Save On Your Bills, While Saving Your Planet

In today’s’ eco-friendly world that we live in it seems we’re always searching for ways to better conserve. When it comes to different products, methods, and practices used for plumbing purposes, this line of thinking certainly holds true. In this post and a second follow up post at a later date, we will focus specifically on Bathroom Water Conservation.

Consequently, there are many different areas and ways that your plumber can help to be “greener” and earth-friendly. Likewise, there are many instances and actions that you can take to help in the cause. In focusing solely on Bathroom Water Conservation here, we show four ways you can conserve and save in this one area alone. In our next and final article in this two-part series, we will walk you through four more.

Four Ways for Better Bathroom Water Conservation: Simple Savings Around the Shower and Sink

As you will see many of the suggestions here for Bathroom Water Conservation have much to do with common sense. Not that we are saying anyone is or is not sensible. We understand and are guilty at times, too. We all have certain methods and ways that we brush our teeth or shave our faces. But, with just a little thought and attention, some minute changes can lead to big conservation.

Keeping the Faucet Off when Washing and Brushing

Our first tip is pretty self-explanatory. Some people probably don’t even realize they do this, it’s just second nature. However, if when you are brushing your teeth, you wet the brush and turn off the faucet until you need to rinse, think of the water you save when days become months and months become years. Likewise, if washing your face, the same idea as you lather up. Then turn on the water just to wash clean.

Saving While Shaving

This is another one that we feel most people simply don’t give a lot of thought to. Although, just as with the first suggestion, it is a pretty easy way to increase your Bathroom Water Conservation. In this case. you can either as we suggest above, just turn off the faucet between wetting your face and needing to rinse it off after shaving. Or, if you prefer, just fill a bowl with water and you can use this to shave with instead of having the faucet continuously run as you complete the shaving process.

The “Tub Test,” Showers vs. Baths

Our next suggestion is one that you can test for yourself and know which method is better for Bathroom Water Conservation. This “Tub Test” can help you without question decipher whether more water is used when you take a shower or a bath. How do you test, you ask? Well, it’s simple. If you are taking a bath, you know you are filling the entire tub. So, next time you go to take a shower, close the drain. Leave it closed for the entire time you are showering. If the water level in the tub is less than the full level for a bath, then you know showers are your best call to conserve.

Collecting Cold Water

The fourth and final of our suggestions in this the first of a two-part series on Bathroom Water Conservation entails the use of just one item, a bucket. You will want to have the bucket underneath the water stream while you wait for the water to heat up when stating your shower. Again, not much “science” needed here, as you simply collect and save the cold water in the bucket rather than wastefully letting it go down the drain. After collection, use the water from the bucket to water plants or any other task that you can and thus not need to turn faucets back on.

More Bathroom Water Conservation Tips to Come

In our follow up and concluding article in this two-part series on Bathroom Water Conservation, we will look at four more ways to save. As with the initial four discussed above, these are all actions that can easily be done. consequently, you won’t only save regarding the amount of water usage, but you’ll also save some bucks in the long run.

To contact the top name in Raleigh professional plumbers for the past two decades, Poole’s Plumbing, for any and all of your plumbing needs, visits



When is it Time to Replace Your Toilet?

In many cases as homeowners, we don’t really put much thought into our plumbing until we notice something is wrong. A drip from a faucet, a wet spot under the sink, or for the purposes of this article, some type of issue with the toilet. Each of these is things that can draw our attention in a hurry, but in the case of the toilet, it is not necessary to wait for a crack or a leak. Thus, in this post, your friends at Poole’s Plumbing will go through several things to keep an eye on with this bathroom plumbing appliance. That way, you will know before a major occurrence when it is Time to Replace Your Toilet.

Referring back to the introduction to this post, there are certainly times when water is visible or the unit won’t flush, where you know there is some type of issue with your toilet. However, we have listed five things regarding your toilet that you can easily check on at home. If upon checking, any of these are visible, then rather than waiting for a problem, you can Replace Your Toilet, and in the long run, be sure you save yourself from a more serious problem.

Five Things that Tell You It’s Time to Replace Your Toilet. 

1) You Notice Cracks in the Toilet’s Tank

This is one thing that if you notice it, you would probably already think it’s time to Replace Your Toilet. But, just to review, you may see water frequently leaking or in puddles around your toilet. This means there is a crack in your tank somewhere. There is only one solution to this, and it is to Replace Your Toilet.

Even if you don’t actually see the cracks, when you notice the pooling of water, contact us at Poole’s Plumbing. We can advise or come out and inspect the situation. Likewise, we also can Replace Your Toilet for you and end the leaking once and for all.

2) The Toilet in Your Home is Old.

Think back and think hard. We say this because regardless of even if your toilet is in perfect working order if it is too old, you will want to Replace Your Toilet.

The cut-off date that makes one’s toilet outdated is 1994. This is because, since that year, federal regulations have made toilets much more water-efficient. Thus, the older model that you have, even if working fine is bad for both the environment and your water bills, too. Since you would. be going to Replace Your Toilet anyhow, we’d recommend looking for one with dual-flush technology for the replacement. These types are very common and save water, and thus they save you too, with each flush.

3) Wobbling or Unsteady Toilet

One thing to know right off the bat is an unsteady or wobbling toilet is never normal. Thus, when you sit down and notice this is going on, it is a good time to Replace Your Toilet.

Sure, the fix this time may just be as simple at first as tightening a few bolts. However, don’t forget the flooring under that wobbling toilet could be soaked and saturated. Either way, when you feel the wobble, it’s a good time to Replace Your Toilet.

4) Repairs are Becoming Commonplace

Another item that may seem to be common sense but is a telltale sign that it’s time to Replace Your Toilet. If you are having problem, after problem, after problem with your toilet….god chance that pattern is never going to stop.

So, even if the smaller fixes are cheaper, in the long run, you are just going to continue being met with more and more small problems until they add up to a large one. It is well worth the extra initial investment, in this case, to simply Replace Your Toilet.

5) The Toilet in Your Home Still Has A Round Bowl

Much like when we discuss the age of your toilet above, the units with a round bowl are becoming more and more outdated. We know, if your toilet is in fine, working order you may not even think of a replacement. However, there are a few reasons that changing to an oblong bowl is a good reason to Replace Your Toilet.

For starters, since the toilet model has evolved, one area of focus is comfort. Thus, a move to Replace Your Toilet from round bowl to oblong is roomier and more comfortable for sure. Additional reasoning is that they stay cleaner than the round bowl models. Likewise, they allow fewer odors to escape, which is always a good thing.

Let the Most Trusted Name in Raleigh Plumbing Replace Your Toilet

If you do look at any of these areas and think, “Hey, it’s time” to Replace Your Toilet…we got u covered. Just contact the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing. We can analyze, advise, and Replace Your Toilet as well. To reach us at Poole’s, visit



Most Common Plumbing Issues: Four More to Look Out For

In our last post, we began a look at eight of the Most Common Plumbing Issues facing homeowners on an everyday basis. We gave a run-through of four of the eight and in this post will look at the remaining issues. Likewise, we will give you some help in regard to what to look for to find the source of these plumbing problems before they become plumbing disasters.

I the previous blog post, we looked at pipes, drains, toilets, and faucets. These are all very common units that we see and notice regularly. The “final four” of our Moist Common Plumbing Issues, though, are not necessarily in locations that we are looking at as often. Thus, your trusted friends at Poole’s Plumbing will run you through these items in great detail. Knowing exactly where to find them and what to look for will not only be helpful, but more than likely will also prove to save you big in the long run.

The Most Common Plumbing Issues: Hoses, Pumps, Pressure, and Heaters

The remaining four of our Most Common Plumbing Issues as we note above, are not all in plain everyday sight. But, whether in the basement, outside the house or wherever each of these is located, we remind you the same as we did in the last post. That is to contact the pros at Poole’s Plumbing if you recognize any of them to avoid a bigger than necessary situation.

1) Leaky Hose Bibb

The hose bibb can be found outside the home, as its use is to bring water in from outside to distribute throughout the home. Once again, not a place you necessarily see every day, but given the function, I think you can see how a leak here could be disastrous if unattended.

This is one of the Most Common Plumbing Issues that people deal with in the spring and summer months. The leakage occurs after a long, cold winter, as many hose bibbs are not insulated for freezing temperatures. Our advice, in this case, is to invest in some frost-proof hose bibbs. While not always a guarantee, the more insulated hoses can give you peace of mind that this issue is resolved.

2) Sump Pump Failure

The sump pump, for those not in the know, is located in the basement of your home. Its main function is to pump seepage water from the basement to avoid a flood. That being said, you can see given its function why this is a very important fix among our Most Common Plumbing Issues.

When there is a sump pump failure, there can be several places to look for the problem. Usually, the source of the failure can be found among the issues listed below.

  • An overwhelming amount of water following a heavy rain
  • Improper installation
  • Clogged discharge pipes
  • A switch or switches that are stuck
  • Aging, if you’re pump is 10 years old or older this may be the source of the failure

3) Low Water Pressure

Now, this is a spot on our Most Common Plumbing Issues list that you definitely know if you’ve been a victim of. No one likes low water pressure. It is always an inconvenience, but it also can lead to serious damage as well if not addressed.

Many times when you have low water pressure the issue is, unfortunately, a result of a larger plumbing problem. Bullet pointed below is a list of four of the most probable causes if you have low water pressure.

  • A cracked or blocked sewer line or lines
  • Clogged drains or sewer
  • Pipe corrosion
  • Hidden water leaks in your home.

4) Water Heater Problems

Luckily for you, the fourth and final entry of our Most Common Plumbing Issues is water heater problems. No, you aren’t lucky to have the problems. You are however lucky that Poole’s Plumbing is the number one water heater experts in the Raleigh and surrounding area.

Now, we all know hot water is a necessity for so many reasons in our homes. Thus, when you suddenly are faced with water heater problems it can truly become a crisis. There are several sources though, that we can recommend you check to find where the problem is with your heating unit. These are listed below.

  • Corrosion or sediment build up in systems
  • Loose or broken electrical connections
  • Improper initial installation of your water heater
  • Heating element failures
  • The wrong size or type of system to support a home’s needs

The Most Common Plumbing Issues Can Prove a Real Mess

Between our first blog entry on the Most Common Plumbing Issues, and these four areas discussed today, we have tried to explain where you can look to find the source of each problem. However, in most cases, these issues are not advisable to try and fix on your own.

That being said, anytime you are faced with one of the Most Common Plumbing Issues we have walked through or any others, Poole’s Plumbing is here to help. The number one name in Raleigh plumbers for over two decades, Poole’s is happy to advise and follow up and fix any and all of your plumbing problems.

To see the previous blog post with the first four Most Common Plumbing Issues, visit the link here. Likewise to contact Poole’s Plumbing for any issues, visit