Plumbing myths that may cost you

Plumbing Myths that may cost you

Plumbing myths are a dime a dozen. If you ask ten different people, you’ll probably get ten other answers about what causes plumbing problems, how to fix them, and whether or not certain products are effective. But with so much misinformation, sorting the wheat from the chaff can be challenging.

This article will debunk some of the most common plumbing myths and set the record straight. After reading this, you’ll be able to separate fact from fiction and make informed decisions about your plumbing.

Myth 1:

Running water will prevent pipes from freezing

This is one of the most persistent myths about plumbing. Many believe that keeping a steady stream of water running through their pipes will prevent them from freezing. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.

Pipes can and do freeze even when water is running through them. That’s because the water moving through the pipes carries with it heat, which is transferred to the pipe walls. This heat transfer will keep the pipes from freezing as long as enough water flows to hold the line full.

But if the water flow slows down or stops, the pipes can quickly cool down and freeze solid. That’s why it’s essential to keep an eye on your water usage and be careful not to let your pipes run dry.

Myth 2:

You can fix a clogged drain with boiling water

Boiling water can be a valuable tool for unclogging a drain, but it’s not a cure-all. In most cases, boiling water is only effective if the clog is close to the drain.

If the clog is further down the pipe, the boiling water won’t be able to reach it and break it up. In fact, in some cases, pouring boiling water down a clogged drain can make the problem worse by melting any substance like grease or soap that may be causing the blockage.

Myth 3:

All plumbers are licensed and insured

Unfortunately, this is only sometimes the case. In many states, there are no licensing requirements for plumbers. That means anyone can call themselves a plumber, regardless of experience or qualifications.

Before hiring a plumber, be sure to ask them for proof of insurance. This will protect you if something goes wrong during the job and you need to file a claim.

Myth 4:

Lemon juice is a natural drain cleaner

Lemon juice might smell nice, but it won’t do much to clean your drains. It’s more likely to cause problems than it is to fix them.

Lemon juice is acidic, which can eat away at the pipes and cause corrosion. Over time, this can lead to leaks and other serious plumbing problems. So, while lemon juice might make your kitchen smell nice, it’s not worth the risk of damaging your plumbing.

Myth 5:

All plumbers charge by the hour

Only some plumbers charge by the hour. Many plumbers work flat fee, which means you’ll know exactly how much the job will cost before starting.

When you’re looking for a plumber, be sure to ask about their pricing structure. This will help you budget for the job and avoid surprises when the bill comes.

Now that you know the truth about these common plumbing myths, you can make informed decisions about your plumbing. Consult a licensed professional anytime if you have questions or concerns about your home’s plumbing system.

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