Fall Outside Plumbing Tips

Fall Outside Plumbing Tips from Poole’s Plumbing

With the official first day of the Fall season coming and going on September 22, the leaves start changing colors, the temperature starts to drop, and much like you can count on each of these things happening, there are several preparation that you can take around your home to make sure that you avoid some costly plumbing disasters as the thermometer continues to head south and winter draws near. The friendly Raleigh professional plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing can help you by offering up their Fall Outside Plumbing Tips that are easy to follow and execute.

Disconnect Water Hoses 

To begin with our Fall Outside Plumbing Tips, you want to be certain to disconnect all outside water hoses. Plain and simple, if left connected, the hose can freeze up when the temperature reaches a certain point and this can lead to expansion that could see faucets and connected pipes indoors to freeze and then break.

Check for Leaky Outdoor Faucets

Be sure that no outside faucets are leaking or even dripping. If you notice they are, tend to the repairs if you are able to or call the Raleigh professional at Poole’s before the freezing weather has a chance to arrive. This if not attended to can also cause frozen pipes, which regardless of steel, plastic, or whatever they are made of will crack if frozen and could have damaging results and even cause a flood.

Cover Outside Faucets

It is worth the time to go to some type of hardware store or home center to get some type of insulation kit to make sure the outside faucets around your house are properly insulated to avoid the problems with pipes spoken of in the previous two Fall Outside Plumbing Tips above.

Clean Out Gutters and Downspouts

One of the Fall Outside Plumbing Tips that everyone seems to know of, yet still leads to as many or more issues than any of the others when the colder weather hit. Clear all leaves and any other debris from downspouts and gutters, as once the water starts freezing and thawing it is necessary to have easy drainage.

These easy-to-follow- Fall Outside Plumbing Tips from the experts at Poole’s Plumbing are one’s that you do not want to wait around on as the cool Fall temperature gives way to a brisker, colder winter. In the next blog entry at poolesplumbing.com we will continue our seasonal tips and head indoors for some helpful pointers to avoid potentially costly situations.