Common winter plumbing issues in north Carolina

Common Winter Plumbing Issues in North Carolina

Do pipes clog more in winter?

We’ll cover some of the more common winter plumbing issues in North Carolina. When it comes time to do some winterizing around the house, many people focus on their yard and outdoor activities. But what many homeowners don’t realize is that the winter months can cause severe damage to the inside of your home as well.

In particular, those who live in areas that experience freezing temperatures will need to be careful about how they approach their plumbing.

So, one of the most common issues in the winter months is damage to sewer lines, mainly due to the ice build-up around them. As it turns out, when water is exposed to freezing temperatures for an extended period, it forms crystals that expand over time. However, this usually doesn’t cause too much trouble when they’re too small to see.

But if they’re large enough and form near a sewage line, these crystals can grow big enough to cause serious damage. They eventually puncture the sides of sewer lines, creating cracks that allow water – and all the icky stuff it carries with it – to flow back into your home, causing significant problems in the process.

So, we find that one of the best ways to prevent this is by heating your plumbing. If you’ve got a crawlspace, make sure the temperature of the ground in it stays above freezing during the winter months. If you’ve got any exposed pipes or outdoor faucets, make sure they are appropriately insulated against the cold weather as well.


If low temperatures have caused issues in the past, you might also consider using insulation designed to reduce this kind of damage.

Of course, if your plumbing is already damaged, you’re not out of luck. So, if the crack is smaller than an eighth of an inch, it can be fixed with epoxy resin. This fix has been around for more than a decade and is typically very successful.

However, if the crack is too large, the only real fix is to replace the entire sewer line – which can cost thousands of dollars – or have it repaired with a sleeve. This process involves removing the damaged portion of the pipe and inserting a new one in its place.

Frozen Pipes

Another common plumbing issue in the winter months is frozen pipes. This means the water is turned off throughout your home, but it can also lead to severe problems that your insurance probably won’t cover.

Burst Pipes

The most severe of these is burst pipes. If water freezes and expands inside a line beyond its capacity, it will crack and break. The problem is that water can continue to drip out of this crack for several hours before you notice the damage.

By then, the pipe has already split in half, and much of your home’s interior has likely been flooded with ice-cold water. You should call a trusted plumber right away to assess this situation’s situation.

In most situations, the plumber will be able to fix the pipe and restore your home’s plumbing to normal functionality in a short amount of time. But if it’s genuinely damaged beyond repair, you’ll need to call a restoration company and get ready for some significant work.


Depending on the extent of the damage, it can take 24 hours or more to dry out most flooded areas completely. And in some cases, you may need to replace floorboards, counters, and cabinets throughout your home before getting everything back in working order.

All told, this type of issue can easily cost tens of thousands of dollars in repairs, which is why it’s so important to look for signs of trouble before it gets out of hand.

Most often, this may come in the form of condensation on windows and walls near where your home’s plumbing system is located, so if you notice any of these signs, make sure to turn off water valves throughout your home (or known areas with exposed pipes) right away.

With everything turned off, go around and take a look at the ceilings and walls in your home for any signs of water damage. If you see any noticeable moisture on these surfaces, there’s likely something wrong with your plumbing system that needs to be fixed right away.

Of course, frozen pipes are only one of several problems winter brings. If you’ve got drain clogs in your kitchen or bathroom, for instance, chances are they’ll only get worse during colder months of the year.

The reason is simple: Drain cleaners lose their effectiveness when temperatures drop below freezing. Thus, if you want to keep them functional throughout winter, make sure you only use them on drains that are completely thawed and free of ice or snow.

Clogs, and clogged pipes

However, if you’ve got clogs in your sump pump, don’t wait until they get worse – fix them right away. Left unrepaired, these clogs can cause the water around the outside of your home to freeze and expand. If enough pressure builds up behind this “frost heave,” it can eventually cause the foundation to crack and leave your house needing significant repairs.

Many homeowners take this winter threat for granted, but it’s a genuine possibility that can easily be avoided by simply clearing any debris from your sump pump’s drainage system.

Another option for keeping clogs at bay is to connect a sump pump to a sewer line, which will give it a secondary way of getting rid of excess water. Of course, this is only necessary if you have an abnormally high level of moisture in your basement or crawlspace throughout the winter months.


For most homeowners, the best thing is to keep drains and sewers relatively straightforward. This will ensure the water has a clear path down and out of your home, which may help protect both you and your home from the financial consequences that excess moisture brings.

In most cases, this means having a reliable schedule for getting rid of standing water in places where basements or crawlspaces tend to collect it. In some cases, this may involve bringing in a professional to give things a thorough cleaning.

For instance, most home restoration companies recommend cleaning basements and crawlspaces once every three months over the winter months. By ensuring your foundation stays relatively free of excess moisture, you can significantly reduce the risk of any problems that come with excessive water damage in these areas. If you’re not sure where to begin when cleaning your crawlspace or basement, however, don’t hesitate to check with a professional restoration company in your area. They’ll be more than happy to inspect your space and give you advice on how best to keep things in good condition throughout the winter.

And remember: If you notice any signs of water damage, immediately shut off your plumbing system at the beginning of winter. This will prevent any problems from growing worse as you switch to using things like fireplaces and alternative heating systems during colder months of the year.

For far too many homeowners, winter means a lot more work – but that doesn’t have to be the case. If you take the proper precautions now, you can save yourself a lot of trouble down the road. For more information, call Poole’s Plumbing Services, the best plumbing service in Raleigh and the Triangle!

To contact the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbers, visit

frozen pipes

Protect your home from frozen pipes in winter

Winter is Coming Are Your Pipes Ready?

We know that the gorgeous months of October and November turn into the frosty cold months of winter, and even here in the moderate temperate of North Carolina, there is still a chance of a plumbing hazard.

Avoid Frozen Pipes Burst Guidelines:

Thawing and avoiding frozen pipes is easy when you remember these simple guidelines:

  1. If it is not windy outside, the best time to thaw frozen pipes (especially at outdoor faucets) is during the day while temperatures are warmer.
  2. Thaw any frozen pipes that may not be completely exposed to the elements (e.g., basement), and if you own a sump pump, turn it off before thawing or draining outdoor lines in case they burst or explode!
  3. Do not use a propane torch to thaw pipes! Use a hairdryer instead.
  4. Drain and open any outdoor faucets to allow water pressure to build up when the pipe is thawed to avoid refreezing. This will prevent further damage until you can contact an experienced Raleigh plumber.
  5. If there is any remaining water, do not use it for drinking or cooking purposes.
  6. Contact Poole’s Plumbing Services for 24-hour plumbing service in Raleigh to stop any leak quickly and adequately.

Why Frozen Pipes Burst Behind Walls

  • The easiest and safest method with these pipes is to turn your thermostat up and wait for them to thaw.
  • If immediate attention is required, carefully cut a hole in the wall near the pipe. Then utilize any of the above methods listed for thawing an exposed pipe.

*Call your plumber if you observe any of the following:

  1. Any puddling, pooling, or bubbling of water around the faucet.
  2. A drop in water pressure. This can indicate a frozen pipe is thawing and refreezing again, which could cause damage to your home’s piping system.
  3. The sound of running or dripping water from an outdoor faucet – this may indicate a frozen pipe thawed too quickly, which could lead to other plumbing problems.
  4. Ice in the bathtub or shower that is not from the faucet. This may be caused by a frozen pipe behind a wall or under a floor that will require professional attention to fix before refreezing occurs and causes even more damage to your plumbing system.

We recommend that Raleigh residents consider installing an anti-freeze backflow device in their homes to avoid future frozen pipes.

When you need more information on how to avoid frozen pipes in your Raleigh home or business, call Poole’s Plumbing Services, the best plumbing service in Raleigh and the Triangle!

frozen pipes

Frozen Pipe Prevention, Stop Frozen Pipe Damage Before It Happens

Winter is approaching, and temperatures begin to drop; homeowners in the cold\moderate climate of Raleigh, North Carolina, need to be vigilant about keeping their home’s plumbing system from freezing up. While this may sound simple enough, sometimes an unforeseen cold spell can cause even the warmest homes’ pipes. To avoid iced-over outdoor faucets and broken water mains due to frozen pipes, homeowners can take proactive steps towards preventing frozen pipes in Raleigh.

Suppose the interior temperature of your home drops below 40 degrees Fahrenheit. In that case, you need to be aware that exterior faucets (especially at outdoor hose bibs) are especially vulnerable to freezing due to lower temperatures and moisture in the air. This can cause pressure build-up inside the pipe, leading to a complete pipe freeze, burst pipe, or other potentially serious plumbing problems.

If you have an anti-freeze backflow device in Raleigh, this is the best solution for frozen waterlines.

The anti-freeze backflow device will protect your home’s exterior faucets from freezing up during cold weather by diverting water from interior cold-water lines to exterior faucets through a small tube system. This will keep the outdoor faucet line from freezing and prevent any harm to your home’s pipes.

Another proactive measure that homeowners in Raleigh and surrounding areas can take is icing down their home’s exterior faucets each night before going to bed, especially if it has been raining or snowing, as this will allow water to drain from the exterior faucet’s cold-water lines, preventing temperature variations that could lead to a frozen pipe.

Running cold water out of your home’s interior hard water lines before bed every night is another effective method for avoiding freezing pipes in Raleigh homes.


If your home does experience a frozen pipe, it is vital to act quickly to minimize water damage. First, shut off the primary incoming water source into your home (typically an exterior faucet or valve at the base of a water meter). Then call your plumber for help!

For more information on how to avoid frozen pipes in your Raleigh home or business, call Poole’s Plumbing Services, the best plumbing service in Raleigh and the Triangle!

To contact the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbers, visit

Holiday Plumbing Tips, After the holidays, do this and avoid disaster

It’s that time of year, time for plumbing tips. Gifts are wrapped, everyone is traveling everywhere, and it’s time for holiday parties! But with all the travel and entertaining comes added stress on your home’s plumbing system. So, to help you get through the season without any issues or emergency calls to a plumber, we will go over some tips on how to refresh your plumbing after the holidays. Travel and entertaining come with added stress to your plumbing system. Here are some useful holiday plumbing tips you may not have thought of.

Holiday Plumbing Tips

Holiday Travel

The weeks leading up to Christmas include:

  • Lots of people wash their hands at restaurants.
  • Shaking off sneezes in crowded places.
  • Preparing meals in kitchens frequented by others who may be sick (and spreading germs via pots/pans/knives, etc.).
  • Touching germ-ridden surfaces in homes that have been exposed to who knows what.

All of this adds up to a higher risk of catching something from the places you go into every day using your plumbing system.


Germs are big this time of year, so if you or someone else in your family does get sick during the holidays, remember that germs are everywhere – not just on holiday parties’ bathroom sinks. Be sure to wash hands thoroughly before preparing meals (and after handling raw meat) and before eating. Also, be sure to wash countertops with hot soapy water if they’ve come in contact with any unwashed dishes or other surface contaminants, including pets who may carry around their share of bacteria. Keep an eye out for toilet germs as well, particularly after using public restrooms or others’ homes. Sanitize surfaces with a solution of 10% bleach and 90% water to stop any transfer of cold/flu viruses onto surfaces that may be unsafe to touch (i.e., kitchen counters).


FYI Holiday Plumbing Tips:

On average, an individual touches their face about 300 times per day. Making it easy for cold/flu viruses to become transmitted from hands to nose, mouth, etc. Make sure you are washing your hands often throughout the holiday season!


Toilet Seat Covers

Who wants to worry about shared toilet seats? Well, toilet seat covers are here! They are inexpensive and disposable, so they are ideal for covering up those germs we mentioned previously. You can find these at most drugstores or grocery stores as well as online.


Flushable Moist Wipes

Flushable moist wipes are great to have on hand during the holiday season because they take up little room, are easy to travel with, and clean those toilet germs from your bottom easily! The best part? You flush them away after use, no mess!


Be Careful With Trees

Although having a fully decorated tree in the house is a staple of festive holidays, it should be noted that trees can form cracks where bugs can hide out. These holes should be tightly sealed before bringing the tree inside. And make sure you dispose of any life or cut holiday greenery in a separate garbage bag to avoid bugs from spreading.

Holiday Parties and Your Plumbing!

Large holiday parties can put extra stress on your plumbing system, so it’s best to prepare for the worst before they happen. This means not letting the water temperature in your home fall below 60 degrees Fahrenheit (use a lower setting if you have trouble remembering). Also, be sure only to run the dishwasher and washing machine when fully loaded and laundry is finished to refresh your plumbing system. Lastly, don’t use any appliances that may clog up drains, such as the garbage disposal or anything with grease (like turkey fat).


Before You Go Out for New Year’s Eve

One of the best plumbing tips is, don’t forget about flushing out all those pipes! Draining the water from your pipes helps prevent damage if they freeze and burst during the cold winter months.


To drain your home’s pipes:

Open cabinet doors under sinks to allow them to air dry. (this also prevents mold)

Turn on all faucets and let them drip until they no longer produce a noticeable flow of water.

Run an empty pot or pan (preferably metal with no cracks/handles) until it makes a loud banging noise, as this means the pipes are free of leftover tap water.


New Year’s Resolutions for Your Plumbing System.

Now that you’re refreshed after this year’s holidays, why not take some time to restore your plumbing system itself? The most efficient and most effortless thing you can accomplish and help you avoid costly issues in the future is to call and schedule inspections with a plumber once per year. During these inspections, the plumber will flush out any excess debris in the drains and also check for any leaks or damage that you can’t see. Depending on what they find, you may be advised to replace some of your older fixtures (for example, if your water heater is older than six years, etc.)

*With the most beautiful time of year behind you, remember to make that New Year’s resolution to schedule an inspection of your home’s plumbing system.

To contact the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbers, visit