DIY plumbing Tips and Tricks

How to install a Dishwasher

How to Install a Dishwasher

How to install a Dishwasher — Installing a dishwasher may seem daunting, but even if you are not a professional plumber with years of experience, I can assure you that it is easier than it may seem. In fact, with the right tools and knowledge, you can easily install a dishwasher in your home without having to call for professional help.

Gather the Necessary Tools

How to Install a Dishwasher

Before you begin the installation process, ensure you have all the necessary tools. These include a dishwasher installation kit, a screwdriver, pliers, and an adjustable wrench. It is also essential to purchase, or if you have on hand, safety gear items like gloves and goggles and clothing cover-ups to protect yourself from any potential hazards.

Turn Off the Water Supply

The first step in installing a dishwasher is to turn off the water supply, which may be done by closing the shut-off valve under your sink. If you cannot locate the shut-off valve, you may need to turn off the main water supply to your home.

Prepare the Area

Next, prepare the area where you will be installing the dishwasher. Ensure enough space for the dishwasher to fit comfortably and the floor is level. It is also essential to ensure no obstructions in the way, such as pipes or wires.

Connect the Water Supply

Once you have prepared the area, it’s time to connect the water supply. This is usually done through a flexible hose connected to the hot water valve under your sink. Make sure the hose is securely attached and that there are no leaks.

Install the Drain Line

Next, you will need to connect the drain line. This is usually done by attaching a flexible drain hose from the dishwasher to your kitchen sink’s drain pipe. You may need to secure the hose with clamps to prevent any leaks.

Secure the Dishwasher in Place

Now that you have connected the water supply and drain line, it’s time to secure the dishwasher. Use screws to attach the dishwasher to the surrounding cabinets to prevent it from tipping over during use.

Test the Dishwasher

Once everything is securely in place, turn on the water supply and test your dishwasher. Run a cycle to ensure no leaks, and the dishwasher is functioning correctly.

Final Checks

Before considering the installation process complete:

  1. Take the time to do some final checks.
  2. Make sure all connections are secure and that there are no leaks.
  3. Check that the dishwasher is level and that the door can open and close properly.

Additional Tips

Here are a few additional tips to make your installation process smoother:

  • Always read the instruction manual carefully before beginning the installation.
  • Make sure to use the correct size and type of screws for attaching the dishwasher.
  • If drilling holes in cabinets, be extra careful not to hit wires or pipes.
  • Before installing, turn off all power sources in the area to prevent any potential electrical accidents.
  • If you need clarification on any step in the process, seek professional help.


Installing a dishwasher may seem intimidating, but proper preparation and caution can be easily accomplished. Always prioritize safety and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for best results. Remember, if you have any issues or questions, seek a professional for help.

Maintaining your water heater

Maintaining Your Water Heater Essential Knowledge

Maintaining your water heater is an important task that should be noted. Having a well-maintained water heater can last up to 15 years, while a neglected one may only last half as long. You can also save money on utility bills and improve energy efficiency by performing regular maintenance.

Here are some essential tips for maintaining your water heater:

An important safety feature of your water heater is the pressure relief valve. It helps prevent excessive pressure buildup, which may be hazardous and cause damage to your system. To check the valve, lift it and let it snap back into place. If you hear a gurgling sound or notice small amounts of water trickling out, this is a sign that the valve may need to be replaced.

Drain and flush your tank

Over time, sediment and minerals can accumulate in your water heater tank, causing buildup, which may lead to corrosion and reduce the efficiency of your system. To help prevent this, it is recommended to drain and flush your tank at least once a year. Doing this will help remove any sediment or debris built up and keep your water heater functioning properly.

Water heater maintenance

Inspect the anode rod

A sacrificial metal component is the anode rod, which helps protect your water heater from corrosion. Over time, this rod can become depleted and may need to be replaced to maintain the optimal performance of your system. Inspecting the anode rod every 3-5 years and replacing it if necessary is recommended.

Insulate your water heater

Insulating your water heater may improve its energy efficiency by reducing heat loss. This is especially important for older models or those in unheated areas such as garages or basements. You may also purchase a pre-cut insulation blanket or use a DIY method with fiberglass insulation.

Check for leaks

Regularly checking for leaks is vital to catch and address any potential issues before they become costly problems. Inspect the fittings, pipes, and connections for signs of leakage. If you notice any water pooling around your water heater, it’s best to call a professional plumber to fix the issue.

In addition to these tips, you should be familiar with the specific maintenance requirements for your water heater. Different water heaters (such as gas or electric) may have different maintenance needs. Consult the manufacturer’s manual for recommended maintenance tasks and intervals.


Your water heater is essential to your home’s plumbing system and requires regular maintenance to stay in top condition. Regularly checking the pressure relief valve, draining and flushing your tank, inspecting the anode rod, insulating your water heater, and checking for leaks help your system to last and be efficient. Remember to consult your manufacturer’s manual for specific maintenance requirements. Keep your home safe, efficient, and comfortable with these essential tips for maintaining your water heater.

Additional Tips

  • Keep your water heater’s temperature to 120°F (49°C) to prevent severe burns or scalding and to save energy.
  • Testing the temperature and pressure relief valve once a year ensures it functions appropriately.
  • Hiring a professional plumber for complex maintenance tasks or if you need help performing them yourself. They can also help identify potential issues with your water heater and address them before they become significant problems.
  • If you have hard water, consider installing a water softener to help reduce mineral buildup in your water heater and other appliances.
  • Keep the area around your water heater clean and clutter-free for easy access during maintenance checks.

Regular maintenance is vital to keeping your water heater running smoothly and efficiently. Make it a priority to incorporate these tasks into your annual home maintenance routine, and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that your water heater is in good condition. Contact Pooles Plumbing with any concerns.

Water Filtration Systems Raleigh NC

The Ultimate Guide to Water Filtration Systems for Your Home

water filtration

Water is a basic necessity of life, and as homeowners, it’s important to ensure that the water we consume and use in our homes is safe and clean. While water filtration systems have been in use for decades, the latest technology and advancement have brought about newer and more efficient ways to filter water. Choosing the right water filtration system can seem like a daunting task as there are several options available on the market. In this blog, we’ll explore the different types of water filtration systems available for residential homes, compare the latest technology for water filtration and highlight the benefits and cons of each. We’ll also take a look at the most purchased or installed filtration system in the United States and what’s likely to be installed in the North Carolina region.

water filtration types

Reverse Osmosis Filtration System:

Reverse osmosis systems work by sending water through a semi-permeable membrane that filters out impurities. They are effective at removing particles like silt, rust, and chlorine while also removing harmful contaminants like bacteria, viruses, and heavy metals. However, these systems are slow and can waste a lot of water, as it uses about three to four times more water than it produces.

Carbon Filtration System activated carbon

Carbon Filtration System:

Carbon filtration systems work by using activated carbon to absorb impurities from the water. They are effective at removing chlorine, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and sediment from the water. These are the most common types of water filters used in homeowner’s refrigerators. However, they are less effective at removing minerals, fluoride, and other contaminants that aren’t easily absorbed by carbon.

UV (Ultraviolet) Disinfection System:

UV disinfection systems work by using ultraviolet light to kill bacteria and viruses found in the water. They work best in conjunction with another filtration system as they’re not effective in removing particulate matter or other contaminants. while they are effective at killing bacteria and viruses, the bulbs must be replaced periodically and are expensive.

Water Softener System:

Water softeners work by removing hard ions and minerals from the water, mainly magnesium and calcium. They basically replace the minerals with salt ions to make the water “softer”. Water softeners are effective at reducing the hard water spots caused by hard water, and it prevents damage done to clothes when using hard water to wash them. However, it can have a negative effect on people who have high blood pressure, and the excessive sodium content is harmful to the environment.

Ceramic Filtration System:

Ceramic filtration systems work by using a porous ceramic filter to trap bacteria and other microorganisms. These are typically promoted for outdoor use and areas without access to mains water. While they are easy to clean and maintain, they are less effective at treating other contaminants like sediment and minerals.

In conclusion, choosing the right water filtration system depends on the specific needs and concerns of your household. It’s important to take into account the types of contaminants present in your water, and the possible effects of the type of water you consume.

In the United States and North Carolina region, most water filtration systems in use are carbon-based and UV disinfection systems. Water filtration technology continues to evolve and improve, and we expect to see even more efficient and effective systems in the future. We encourage you to consult with a professional to determine which type of filtration system is best for your household and protect your family until some sort of universal filtration system can be enacted at a community level. Contact Poole’s Plumbing for a Water Filtration Consultation, we can help you select the right system for your home.