
Bathroom Water Conservation Tips Can Help Save On Your Bills, While Saving Your Planet

In today’s’ eco-friendly world that we live in it seems we’re always searching for ways to better conserve. When it comes to different products, methods, and practices used for plumbing purposes, this line of thinking certainly holds true. In this post and a second follow up post at a later date, we will focus specifically on Bathroom Water Conservation.

Consequently, there are many different areas and ways that your plumber can help to be “greener” and earth-friendly. Likewise, there are many instances and actions that you can take to help in the cause. In focusing solely on Bathroom Water Conservation here, we show four ways you can conserve and save in this one area alone. In our next and final article in this two-part series, we will walk you through four more.

Four Ways for Better Bathroom Water Conservation: Simple Savings Around the Shower and Sink

As you will see many of the suggestions here for Bathroom Water Conservation have much to do with common sense. Not that we are saying anyone is or is not sensible. We understand and are guilty at times, too. We all have certain methods and ways that we brush our teeth or shave our faces. But, with just a little thought and attention, some minute changes can lead to big conservation.

Keeping the Faucet Off when Washing and Brushing

Our first tip is pretty self-explanatory. Some people probably don’t even realize they do this, it’s just second nature. However, if when you are brushing your teeth, you wet the brush and turn off the faucet until you need to rinse, think of the water you save when days become months and months become years. Likewise, if washing your face, the same idea as you lather up. Then turn on the water just to wash clean.

Saving While Shaving

This is another one that we feel most people simply don’t give a lot of thought to. Although, just as with the first suggestion, it is a pretty easy way to increase your Bathroom Water Conservation. In this case. you can either as we suggest above, just turn off the faucet between wetting your face and needing to rinse it off after shaving. Or, if you prefer, just fill a bowl with water and you can use this to shave with instead of having the faucet continuously run as you complete the shaving process.

The “Tub Test,” Showers vs. Baths

Our next suggestion is one that you can test for yourself and know which method is better for Bathroom Water Conservation. This “Tub Test” can help you without question decipher whether more water is used when you take a shower or a bath. How do you test, you ask? Well, it’s simple. If you are taking a bath, you know you are filling the entire tub. So, next time you go to take a shower, close the drain. Leave it closed for the entire time you are showering. If the water level in the tub is less than the full level for a bath, then you know showers are your best call to conserve.

Collecting Cold Water

The fourth and final of our suggestions in this the first of a two-part series on Bathroom Water Conservation entails the use of just one item, a bucket. You will want to have the bucket underneath the water stream while you wait for the water to heat up when stating your shower. Again, not much “science” needed here, as you simply collect and save the cold water in the bucket rather than wastefully letting it go down the drain. After collection, use the water from the bucket to water plants or any other task that you can and thus not need to turn faucets back on.

More Bathroom Water Conservation Tips to Come

In our follow up and concluding article in this two-part series on Bathroom Water Conservation, we will look at four more ways to save. As with the initial four discussed above, these are all actions that can easily be done. consequently, you won’t only save regarding the amount of water usage, but you’ll also save some bucks in the long run.

To contact the top name in Raleigh professional plumbers for the past two decades, Poole’s Plumbing, for any and all of your plumbing needs, visits



When is it Time to Replace Your Toilet?

In many cases as homeowners, we don’t really put much thought into our plumbing until we notice something is wrong. A drip from a faucet, a wet spot under the sink, or for the purposes of this article, some type of issue with the toilet. Each of these is things that can draw our attention in a hurry, but in the case of the toilet, it is not necessary to wait for a crack or a leak. Thus, in this post, your friends at Poole’s Plumbing will go through several things to keep an eye on with this bathroom plumbing appliance. That way, you will know before a major occurrence when it is Time to Replace Your Toilet.

Referring back to the introduction to this post, there are certainly times when water is visible or the unit won’t flush, where you know there is some type of issue with your toilet. However, we have listed five things regarding your toilet that you can easily check on at home. If upon checking, any of these are visible, then rather than waiting for a problem, you can Replace Your Toilet, and in the long run, be sure you save yourself from a more serious problem.

Five Things that Tell You It’s Time to Replace Your Toilet. 

1) You Notice Cracks in the Toilet’s Tank

This is one thing that if you notice it, you would probably already think it’s time to Replace Your Toilet. But, just to review, you may see water frequently leaking or in puddles around your toilet. This means there is a crack in your tank somewhere. There is only one solution to this, and it is to Replace Your Toilet.

Even if you don’t actually see the cracks, when you notice the pooling of water, contact us at Poole’s Plumbing. We can advise or come out and inspect the situation. Likewise, we also can Replace Your Toilet for you and end the leaking once and for all.

2) The Toilet in Your Home is Old.

Think back and think hard. We say this because regardless of even if your toilet is in perfect working order if it is too old, you will want to Replace Your Toilet.

The cut-off date that makes one’s toilet outdated is 1994. This is because, since that year, federal regulations have made toilets much more water-efficient. Thus, the older model that you have, even if working fine is bad for both the environment and your water bills, too. Since you would. be going to Replace Your Toilet anyhow, we’d recommend looking for one with dual-flush technology for the replacement. These types are very common and save water, and thus they save you too, with each flush.

3) Wobbling or Unsteady Toilet

One thing to know right off the bat is an unsteady or wobbling toilet is never normal. Thus, when you sit down and notice this is going on, it is a good time to Replace Your Toilet.

Sure, the fix this time may just be as simple at first as tightening a few bolts. However, don’t forget the flooring under that wobbling toilet could be soaked and saturated. Either way, when you feel the wobble, it’s a good time to Replace Your Toilet.

4) Repairs are Becoming Commonplace

Another item that may seem to be common sense but is a telltale sign that it’s time to Replace Your Toilet. If you are having problem, after problem, after problem with your toilet….god chance that pattern is never going to stop.

So, even if the smaller fixes are cheaper, in the long run, you are just going to continue being met with more and more small problems until they add up to a large one. It is well worth the extra initial investment, in this case, to simply Replace Your Toilet.

5) The Toilet in Your Home Still Has A Round Bowl

Much like when we discuss the age of your toilet above, the units with a round bowl are becoming more and more outdated. We know, if your toilet is in fine, working order you may not even think of a replacement. However, there are a few reasons that changing to an oblong bowl is a good reason to Replace Your Toilet.

For starters, since the toilet model has evolved, one area of focus is comfort. Thus, a move to Replace Your Toilet from round bowl to oblong is roomier and more comfortable for sure. Additional reasoning is that they stay cleaner than the round bowl models. Likewise, they allow fewer odors to escape, which is always a good thing.

Let the Most Trusted Name in Raleigh Plumbing Replace Your Toilet

If you do look at any of these areas and think, “Hey, it’s time” to Replace Your Toilet…we got u covered. Just contact the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing. We can analyze, advise, and Replace Your Toilet as well. To reach us at Poole’s, visit



Most Common Plumbing Issues: Four More to Look Out For

In our last post, we began a look at eight of the Most Common Plumbing Issues facing homeowners on an everyday basis. We gave a run-through of four of the eight and in this post will look at the remaining issues. Likewise, we will give you some help in regard to what to look for to find the source of these plumbing problems before they become plumbing disasters.

I the previous blog post, we looked at pipes, drains, toilets, and faucets. These are all very common units that we see and notice regularly. The “final four” of our Moist Common Plumbing Issues, though, are not necessarily in locations that we are looking at as often. Thus, your trusted friends at Poole’s Plumbing will run you through these items in great detail. Knowing exactly where to find them and what to look for will not only be helpful, but more than likely will also prove to save you big in the long run.

The Most Common Plumbing Issues: Hoses, Pumps, Pressure, and Heaters

The remaining four of our Most Common Plumbing Issues as we note above, are not all in plain everyday sight. But, whether in the basement, outside the house or wherever each of these is located, we remind you the same as we did in the last post. That is to contact the pros at Poole’s Plumbing if you recognize any of them to avoid a bigger than necessary situation.

1) Leaky Hose Bibb

The hose bibb can be found outside the home, as its use is to bring water in from outside to distribute throughout the home. Once again, not a place you necessarily see every day, but given the function, I think you can see how a leak here could be disastrous if unattended.

This is one of the Most Common Plumbing Issues that people deal with in the spring and summer months. The leakage occurs after a long, cold winter, as many hose bibbs are not insulated for freezing temperatures. Our advice, in this case, is to invest in some frost-proof hose bibbs. While not always a guarantee, the more insulated hoses can give you peace of mind that this issue is resolved.

2) Sump Pump Failure

The sump pump, for those not in the know, is located in the basement of your home. Its main function is to pump seepage water from the basement to avoid a flood. That being said, you can see given its function why this is a very important fix among our Most Common Plumbing Issues.

When there is a sump pump failure, there can be several places to look for the problem. Usually, the source of the failure can be found among the issues listed below.

  • An overwhelming amount of water following a heavy rain
  • Improper installation
  • Clogged discharge pipes
  • A switch or switches that are stuck
  • Aging, if you’re pump is 10 years old or older this may be the source of the failure

3) Low Water Pressure

Now, this is a spot on our Most Common Plumbing Issues list that you definitely know if you’ve been a victim of. No one likes low water pressure. It is always an inconvenience, but it also can lead to serious damage as well if not addressed.

Many times when you have low water pressure the issue is, unfortunately, a result of a larger plumbing problem. Bullet pointed below is a list of four of the most probable causes if you have low water pressure.

  • A cracked or blocked sewer line or lines
  • Clogged drains or sewer
  • Pipe corrosion
  • Hidden water leaks in your home.

4) Water Heater Problems

Luckily for you, the fourth and final entry of our Most Common Plumbing Issues is water heater problems. No, you aren’t lucky to have the problems. You are however lucky that Poole’s Plumbing is the number one water heater experts in the Raleigh and surrounding area.

Now, we all know hot water is a necessity for so many reasons in our homes. Thus, when you suddenly are faced with water heater problems it can truly become a crisis. There are several sources though, that we can recommend you check to find where the problem is with your heating unit. These are listed below.

  • Corrosion or sediment build up in systems
  • Loose or broken electrical connections
  • Improper initial installation of your water heater
  • Heating element failures
  • The wrong size or type of system to support a home’s needs

The Most Common Plumbing Issues Can Prove a Real Mess

Between our first blog entry on the Most Common Plumbing Issues, and these four areas discussed today, we have tried to explain where you can look to find the source of each problem. However, in most cases, these issues are not advisable to try and fix on your own.

That being said, anytime you are faced with one of the Most Common Plumbing Issues we have walked through or any others, Poole’s Plumbing is here to help. The number one name in Raleigh plumbers for over two decades, Poole’s is happy to advise and follow up and fix any and all of your plumbing problems.

To see the previous blog post with the first four Most Common Plumbing Issues, visit the link here. Likewise to contact Poole’s Plumbing for any issues, visit



Be on the Look Out for the Most Common Plumbing Problems

Whether a homeowner or a renter, everybody knows that helpless feeling when you are blindsided by a plumbing emergency. The instances we discuss below are not one’s that should come as a real surprise. However, with aging fixtures and just normal wear and tear, things eventually become a problem. In this post and the following post , we will walk you through how to identify our 8 Most Common Plumbing Problems.

Again, whether big or small or an issue you can fix or one that requires a call you will want to identify these Most Common Plumbing Problems. Here is a look at the first four of our eight problems and what usually causes them.

The Most Common Plumbing Problems: Faucets, Drains, Pipes, and Toilets

The first three of our Most Common Plumbing Problems focus on three separate areas that all are familiar with. Those are the faucet, drains, and the toilet. Listed under each problem are the signs to look for and recognize as the source of these potential plumbing headaches.

1) Dripping Faucets

The pesky drip. Everyone has spent a sleepless moment being thoroughly annoyed by a dripping faucet. This first of our Most Common Plumbing Problems should be addressed as soon as noticed, as it could turn out costly.

The possible causes to check for here are first a worn-out washer or “O” ring. This is a somewhat easy fix, as you just replace the old part. Another cause would be corrosion or possibly even bad installation. If either of these proves to be the source, give us a call at Poole’s Plumbing and we can lend a hand before the drip opens the flood gates on your pocketbook.

2) Slow or Clogged Drains

Now you see, when we say these are the Most Common Plumbing Problems, we are pretty sure that you can relate. We’ve all wondered “what is taking so long to drain.” Whether the sink or the shower, this issue can usually point to one of two things that depend on if one drain or multiple is clogged.

In each situation, whether one or multiple clogged drains, there are different things to look for. Likewise, there are different repercussions. Below is what to look for and how to deal with each.

  • One Slow or Clogged Drain- When you have just one clogged drain, it usually means the issue in your home is local to that specific area. It can be caused by hair, soap scum, or other foreign objects that have made their way down the drain. A simple and routine drain cleaning should handle this problem
  • Multiple Slow or Clogged Drains-  This is a big red flag. You might be dealing with some sewer line issues if you have more than one clogged drain throughout the house. You will want to give us a call at Poole’s to come to take a look. This is a serious problem and you want to get it looked at as soon as possible to prevent a sewage backup.

3) Leaky Pipes

Yes, you can see the pattern here. You have had leaky pipes before, more than likely. Hence, why we call these our Most Common Plumbing Problems. Now in the case of leaky pipes, we have listed below several things to look for that might be the cause.

  • Cracked seals or cracked pipes
  • Clogs or Obstructions
  • Pipe Corrosion
  • Excessive Water Pressure
  • Pipe Joint Damage
  • Incorrect Pipe Laying

In any of these instances, it is important to know that no matter the cause, get the pros at Poole’s out to look at these pipes as soon as possible. The longer they are ignored, the more damage you are at risk of having caused.

4) Running Toilets

Yes, we know the old corny joke…we won’t even say it! Seriously though, a running toilet may be among the Most Common Plumbing Problems, but it is no laughing matter. As a matter of fact, a running toilet can waste up to 200 gallons of water a day. To avoid this, which can become costly, take a look, and see if any of the below are causing the problem.

  • Worn Out Flapper Seals or Flush Valves
  • Improper Size Flapper Chains
  • Corroded Toilet Handles
  • Refill Tube Issues

The Most Common Plumbing Problems Can Be the Costliest Ones Too!

As we are all aware of from these four issues above and plumbing issue, no matter how common can turn out to be a costly one. In our follow up post, we will look at four more of the Most Common Plumbing Problems and where to look to find their source.

However, in the case of those in the next blog entry or with any of the four above, call the most trusted name in Raleigh area plumbing and they will be sure the problem is ended. To reach us at Poole’s Plumbing visit


Common Sink Mistakes: 5 Things to Avoid Putting Down the Drain

In anyone’s home or apartment, one of the most commonly used appliances would be the sink. Whether just washing off a plate or our hands, cooking, or whatever the reason. A sink is an appliance you would not want to go without. Thus, it would make sense to brush up on anything that might be harmful or could cause a clog to your sink. Luckily for you, your friends at Poole’s Plumbing are here to help with Common Sink Mistakes that you will want to avoid.

In addition to remembering to avoid these items getting in your drain, simple and regular maintenance if the sink is recommended.. Regardless, below are five Common Sink Mistakes that you want to avoid from becoming mistakes of your own.

5 Common Sink Mistakes to Avoid Clogs

1) Coffee Grounds

We all start the day out with that nice, fresh, hot “cup of joe.” Well, at least someone in the household I’m pretty sure does. So, once done brewing a fresh pot, many times just a lack of thinking ca lead to this first of our Common Sink Mistakes.

Basically, the thought process here is that since coffee grounds are so fine and small, they just go right down the drain with no issues. While it may appear that way, this is not the case. Once the grounds are in, they turn to a sludge that clogs your pipes. Thus, coffee grounds should always be thrown in the garbage and not down the sink.

2) Pasta and Rice

These are very common side dishes that we all make at our homes from time to time. But lest we not forgot how these items are cooked and this can explain why they can become Common Sink Mistakes.

Now, both rice and pasta expand when they are exposed to water. Couple this with once cooked, they can become both sticky and mushy. For these reasons, it is best to clean the pasta or rice of all plates directly into the garbage.

3) Grease

This s one we all are taught early. Or, at least I believe we are taught this early…or possibly this is just common sense. Either way, grease of all kinds is a known substance among Common Sink Problems.

Sure, grease is a common byproduct of cooking. However, for those not in the know, grease solidifies. Thus, if dumped into the drain, it will then solidify there, causing a clog. We recommend pouring any excess grease into a jar of some type and once solid, throw the jar away.

4) Fats and Oils

Much like the number three entry to our Common Sink Problems, this is one that you should know. Fats and oils can coat the walls of more than just the drain, however. As a result, these items could cause an enormous problem.

Items in this grouping would include cooking oils, dressings, shortening, etc. The major problem these Common Sink Problems could cause is the coating of your pipes and the more buildup you have, the worse this issue could become.

5) Eggshells

Our fifth and final Common Sink Problems entry for the day is eggshells. now once and a while, you may get away with these down the sink…however, why risk the problem.

Normally, the issue with eggshells is that they stick in a drain or mix with other items to lead to bigger clogs. As we all know, bigger clogs lead to bigger problems.

Common Sink Mistakes: Only a Call Away

All five of these Common Sink Problems can become Common Sink disasters. Keeping each and all of these items out of your sink can eliminate any chance of a clog. If however for some reason you do develop a sink issue, Poole’s Plumbing is here and just a call away. To contact us, visit



Why is No Cold Water Coming from the Shower?

This post is somewhat of a reversal from a plumbing question that seems to be asked more often but is very similar. Often times you see a plumbing blog discuss to do if there is no hot water coming into the shower. Not so much, however, do you see articles the other. way around. This is in spite of the fact that both can cause serious inconvenience. On the contrary, in this piece, we will examine what to do in the case there is No Cold Water coming out of your shower.

Now, of course it is terrible when you would go to take a shower and the water is ice cold. But, roles reversed, it is equally as bad to have No Cold Water at all, and scalding, hot water only. The cause of this is usually due to a valve located in a cartridge, that is actually fairly easily fixed. Below, we will look at all possible causes, and discuss how to fix the issue at home.

There is No Cold Water in the Shower? Why?

Upon discovering that you have No Cold Water coming from the shower, it is time for a bit of troubleshooting. To do this, simply check your faucets throughout the house. If these also have No Cold Water we can begin to identify the problem. First, check the valves wherever your main water supply is. There is the possibility that a valve was somehow shut off by accident. If this is the case, you are in luck. Problem solved. However, if there is No Cold Water and there are no valves shut off, give us a call and the pros from Poole’s Plumbing will have to take a look

Now, if the other faucets all do have cold water, a pressure-balancing valve is probably your issue.

What is the Pressure-Balancing Valve and Why Would it Fail?

The pressure-balancing valves in your shower regulate both the water pressure and the ratio of cold and hot water from the showerhead. These cartridges over time can see corrosion and mineral buildup, which will eventually ruin the cartridge.

To replace a failing pressure-balancing valve is not a very hard task. Actually, removing the old cartridge is the most difficult part of getting your No Cold Water issue solved.

Replace that Cartridge and Get cold water back!

Step one of the replacement process is to purchase a new cartridge. The easiest method here is to remove the old one and bring it with you to a hardware store. To remove, it is easiest to use a cartridge puller. Speaking of tools, bullet-pointed below is a list of six tools that will make this a much easier task. Likewise, these tools will be the beginning of the end of having No Cold Water.

Tools Needed for Shower Cartridge Removal

  • Cartridge Puller or tap with matching 4-6 in. bolt
  • Flathead and Phillips screwdriver
  • Allen wrenches/Hex keys
  • Needle-nose pliers
  • Silicone or Plumber’s Grease
  • Locking pliers

10 Steps to Saying Goodbye to No Cold Water

In actuality, this is 10 steps to replace your broken shower cartridge. But that being said, once fixed you will be back in business on the cold and hot side of the faucet.

Follow these ten steps in order and you’re well on the way to cold water in the shower once again.

1) Turn off the water supply to the shower.

2) Place a towel on top of the drain so no screws are lost or fall in

3) Remove the faucet handle and any metal covers or trim plates

4) Remember to take a picture of the inside of the faucet body. This is to have for reference when we go to reassembly.

5) Back inside the faucet body, remove other parts

6) Any dirt or mineral deposits are to be dissolved with a commercial cleaner

7) Using the needle-nose pliers, pull the retainer clip out of the faucet body.

8) Remove the cartridge using the “puller” that you purchased.

9) Use plumber’s grease or silicone, and paying close attention to the orientation, reinstall your new cartridge.

10) Likewise, reinstall the valve stem, retainer clip, and faucet parts. (Remember the photos you took! Aren’t you glad we had you take them!)

Oh, wait, one last thing once all is reassembled. Turn on the water supply and enjoy balancing out that hot water and say goodbye to having No Cold Water.

No Cold Water? No More!!!

Ok, we realize this is a pretty ambitious “do-it-yourself” project. So, if these steps and this type of work is some you are not confident in doing yourself, it’s understandable. Feel free to contact us at and the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbing will be happy to be at your service!


bathroom-diy-projects-pooles plumbing

Bathroom DIY Projects: Two Easy, Yet Important Fixes Anyone Can Do

Plumbing is not everyone’s bag. We are well aware of this. In some cases, we realize that even if someone is capable of a plumbing task, the severity of possible plumbing issues may see them defer to the pros. This, we understand, as we’ve voiced many times before, always “better safe than sorry.” However, we understand how those not used to handling a wrench would not feel safe with themself doing any plumbing, as a botched job can turn pricey. However, we are certain, that if focused and you gather the correct tools, you will be able to follow along on these two projects. Thus, you will also have the confidence for future Bathroom DIY Projects as well.

You may need to replace the two items we include in our Bathroom DIY Projects. Likewise, you may be replacing them for a newer look. Either way, what follows in the paragraphs below will detail how you can step by step handle each assignment.

Bathroom DIY Projects: A Replacement and an Install

Two items in the bathroom that both are in need of repairs at times are the toilet and the sink. Below, we will walk through Bathroom DIY Projects that will help you with two of the most common plumbing jobs associated with these two appliances.

Replacing a Toilet Seat

The toilet seat is essential to the bathroom for several reasons. Comfort being one. With a cracked toilet seat or just wanting a new look what follows here are four steps to replace a toilet.

1) Select the Correct Size and Shape- Most of the modern toilets have standard mounting widths and holes for their seats. Be sure when you are ready for this Bathroom DIY Project that you get either round or oblong based upon the shape of the seat you are going to replace.

2) Remove the Old Seat- Pry the plastic covers off at the back of the toilet seat with a flat head screwdriver. Then proceed to unscrew the bolts beneath. These may be plastic or metal bolts depending on your toilet. Pliers might come in handy in this step of our DIY Bathroom Projects to hold the nuts in place as you unscrew the bolts. Once unscrewed, lift off the old seat and discard it.

3) Clean the Toilet- Once the bolts are gone and the old seat is removed, you may notice it’s rather dirty. This is since this area behind the bolts is normally unreachable. To move along with this step of our Bathroom DIY Projects, just use normal toilet bowl cleaner or any that is made for rust or mold removal. Dry the area once fully cleaned.

4) Attach the New Seat- Told you these were not that difficult! Here we are already on our final step of the first Bathroom DIY Projects. To attach the new seat, screw the new bolts into the mounting holes. If needed, attach new nuts as well. Snap the plavers back over the new bolt heads. Then…enjoy your new toilet seat!!!

Installing a New Bathroom Faucet

Once again, this may be a switch you are doing because it looks better. Likewise, you may have a slow, steady drip that is driving you nuts. Either way at the end of these steps, you will be able to complete the second of our Bathroom DIY Projects.

1) Turn off the Water- Essential to avoiding a real messy start to our Bathroom DIY Projects. But also an easy step, simply go to the main shut off valve and turn it off. Always be sure to open the faucet to relieve pressure.

2) Remove the Old Faucet- Moving along in our Bathroom DIY Projects, start here by unscrewing the water supply lines. Either by hand or with a basin wrench will work for this step. Once fully unscrewed disconnect the lift rod and remove the nuts from below the toilet.

3) Remove the Drain- Continuing, next, unscrew the P-Trap’s slip nut. Before you do this though, be sure you have a bucket in place to catch some water. Then unscrew the drain flange from the tailpiece and clean around the drain and faucet holes. This will remove any residue or sealant still on the unit.

4) Install the New Faucet- You might need either some type of sealant or plumber’s putty to start the next step of the Bathroom DIY Projects. Now, attach the faucet to the mounting holes and tighten the nuts. You may need to assemble the handles at this point too.

5) Put in the New Drain- First, screw the nut tightly on the new drain body. Slide the gasket over that nut and apply silicone or plumbers putty under the flange, then position it in the sinkhole. Next, screw your drain body into place, making sure the pivot hole is facing the back. To complete this step in our Bathroom DIY Projects, tighten the nut and gasket from below. Lastly install the drain rod, by unscrewing the pivot nut and inserting the rod through the stopper’s hole. In doing this you will have replaced the nut and screw the lift rod to the strap.

6) Completing the Final Steps-You are almost finished completing the Bathroom DIY Projects. However, you first must reconnect the water supply lines to the new faucet’s shanks. Turn off your shut off valve to restore water flow. Next, remove the aerator and turn on both the hot and cold sides of the faucet. This will flush out any remaining sediment. lastly, double-check that all connections are tight. Now, your new faucet is set and ready to try out.

Bathroom DIY Projects: We are Just a Call Away

So, you now have step-by-step details on how to install a new faucet and replace a toilet seat. In the case of both of these Bathroom DIY Problems, if you aren’t comfortable with your own work, feel free to give a call to Raleigh’s Number One Emergency Plumber, Poole’s Plumbing. To reach us, visit our website. at


Sulfur Smell in Your Drain is Nothing to Joke About

The smell is horrible. The comparison many give to it smelling like rotten eggs is pretty close, but it’s even worse. If you have that terrible Sulfur Smell in Your Drains permeating throughout your home, you will want it gone in a hurry.

The first item of business is answering why there is a Sulfur Smell in Your Drains. The obvious follow up to that is what is causing the smell. Luckily, the Raleigh area plumbing experts, Poole’s Plumbing is happy to help you address and figure out these types of issues. Consequently, we can help you get rid of that Sulfur Smell in Your House.

Sulfur Smell in Your Drains? Or is it From the Water Itself?

A valid question once you think there are Sulfur Smells in Your Drains is, is it for sure the drains? It could also be coming from your water itself. Thus, to test and see what the source is, you can follow the two steps bullet-pointed below.

  • Pour a glass of water from your sink that you have smelled the sulfur in.
  • Take it outside and smell it

Now, if you don’t smell anything from the water, the issue is definitely a Sulfur Smell in Your Drains. However, if you do smell it in the water, pour a second glass, but use a different sink. If both glasses have that awful odor, the issue is probably in the water. If only the water from the sink you initially smelled keeps the odor, you are probably looking at the drains.

What Exactly is Causing this Smell?

The Sulfur Smell in Your Drains can be from several things. First, and most common cause is a clogged or partially clogged drain. When. sinks become clogged, the drainage is much slower, and bacteria can build up in the p-trap and create hydrogen sulfide gas.

Likewise, the issue can come from a drink that has not been in use. This happens if the water in the p-trap dries up from it not being used, gas from the sewer line can rise out of the sink.

Another common offender (and we do mean offender if you had smelled this…) is a dirty garbage disposal. This one is on you people! Keep the food and bacteria out of the disposal or at least keep it clean.

What Can You Do About the Sulfur Smell in Your Drains?

Luckily, there are several things that you can do to prevent this awful stench from emitting in your home. First, always keep clean garbage disposal. Run it often and run either a disposal cleaner or ice cubes in it from time to time to keep the blades clean. Some lemon wedges or orange peels can help to emit a more pleasant scent from your disposal, too.

If the Sulfur Smell in Your Drains is coming from the bathroom sinks, one way to get rid of it and to eliminate the clog causing it. Pour a half-cup of Baking soda down the drain. Follow this with a full cup of vinegar, and then continue to flush with hot water. If this has not eliminated the smell, it’s time to call in the pros.

So, in conclusion, if you have the scent of rotten eggs or Sulfur Smells coming from your drain, it may be a simple fix. But if for one second you think it’s more serious, contact us at We will be happy to advise and lead the way to eliminate these odors for good!








Flooding in Your House: Act Fast to Minimize Damage

The ultimate plumbing disaster and nightmare for a homeowner is Flooding in Your House. Upon discovery that this is occurring or has already, it is easy to panic and in that state not know what to do. Regardless of your reaction, the one thing you don’t want to do is wait.

This is no question a scary situation for anyone. However, rather than make a bad situation worse financially than it needs to be, regardless of where we discover the source is, you want to act as fastly as possible. Below are our suggestions for what to do in the case of Flooding in Your House.

Top 5 Things to Do When you Discover Flooding in Your Home

1) Shut Your Water Off

If you realize you have Flooding in Your House, the first item of business is to stop any and all water flow. If you realize where the leaking or damaged fixture is you want to turn this off. Either way, you can just locate and turn off the main water shut off for the home also.

2) Protect or Move Your Furniture

When realizing of Flooding in Your House, this is an idea to save what you can. Carry any furniture or important items to a dry area. If for some reason you are unable to move the furniture, place a few layers of aluminum foil underneath the legs. Then pin-up the skirts, so no color from the furniture runs to the floor.

3) Turn Off any Electricity

Water and electricity just do not mix. Ever. Thus, when you see Flooding in Your House you want to get the power off as quickly as you can. Do this by going to the main circuit breaker and flip any switch on to off. Remember if the floor in front of the breaker panel is wet, stand on a dry wood plank before touching the breakers.

Flooding in Your Home: Getting the Cleanup Process Started ASAP

If you’ve realized that there is Flooding in Your House, you definitely want to call in a professional plumber, like us here at Poole’s Plumbing. Likewise, you want to get in touch with a restoration company. The purpose of the restoration company would be for in-depth cleaning and to be sure to prevent mold growth.

Though it is safer to wait for the restoration company so they can properly remove items. But getting things dry as quickly as possible is necessary. While you wait for the restoration company, the following things can be done to assist in rectifying Flooding in your House.

  • Remove as much excess water from the floor as possible. Mop up tile and hardwood, blot the wall-to-wall carpet with towels, and use a wet-dry shop vac (not your regular vacuum!) to remove standing water.
  • Get the windows open! Well, do this if it’s cool and dry outside. Otherwise, turn on the air conditioning to aid in drying. However, if the flooding is from sewage, and the water level has risen high, do not use the AC method.
  • Open all cabinets affected by the flood. Turn on any exhaust fans you can. Likewise, run any ceiling fans that can help speed up the drying process.

Document Damages for the Flooding

We discussed that when you do have Flooding in Your House that initial period of being scared. Seeing the damage to your home and your belongings can be startling but in this our last suggestion about Flooding in Your House, we remind you to document these items. Be sure to list an inventory of anything that has damaged, a list of when they were purchased and their cost or value. As you move along in your cleaning, take some pictures for when you file an insurance claim.

As we note throughout this post, we know Flooding in Your House can be a shocking and uncertain development. However, if you can take it all in stride and remain calm, make a call to the pros here at Poole’s Plumbing, and get the help you need, and the problem minimalized as much as possible. To reach us here at Poole’s Plumbing, visit



My Dishwasher is Leaking…What May be the Cause?

We all love the convenience of just rinsing a dish and setting in the dishwasher to be cleaned. It’s a luxury that has almost come to be taken for granted. But that luxury can be appreciated very quickly when one discovers a problem with their dishwasher. One common issue that can develop is when you notice your Dishwasher is Leaking.

In the post below, we will take a look at why possibly your Dishwasher is Leaking. Likewise, with each possibility we explore, we will discuss a possible solution to that given issue.

Why Your Dishwasher is Leaking

Many of us have faced the situation. You see the water underneath and in front of the dishwasher. Obviously, you’ll want to put some towels down to dry up your floor, but then, our troubleshooting begins. Rest assured, when your Dishwasher is Leaking, many of the causes will leave you with an easy “do-it-yourself” fix. For exactly what to look for and how to go about fixing, see below.

Reasons that Your Dishwasher is Leaking

Before listing the possible reason that the Dishwasher is Leaking we should explain one situation to be aware of. This would be if you notice the leak happening while you run the kitchen sink. This would indicate a drainpipe issue. If that is the case, simply raise the dishwasher drainpipe above the level of the sink drain to rectify the problem

However, as with most instances, if the Dishwasher is Leaking while the dishwasher is running you could be facing any of the below problems.

Leaky Gasket

A faulty gasket on the dishwasher door is maybe the most common reason your Dishwasher is Leaking. To look and see if this is the issue, check the seal around the door. If there is a ripped or worn out area, replace the gasket and the leaking should be over.

Usage of Incorrect Detergent

If dish soap or laundry detergent is used in the dishwasher, this can cause excessive suds. Thus, the suds and water will seep out the door. To avoid this, only use the proper detergent for a dishwasher.

Cracked Hoses or Faulty Valves/Hose Connections

If your Dishwasher is Leaking and you notice the water coming from underneath, you have a water or valve issue. To address this, first either unplug the dishwasher or turn off the circuit breaker. To check and find the exact leak location, first, remove the toe kick from under the dishwasher. This allows access to each part you want to check. These include the water inlet valve, recirculation hose, drain hose, and other components. Simply run a hand along each of the hoses for a leak. Likewise, look for corrosions, loose connections, or a bad solenoid valve. Replacing any old or faulty parts can fix your issues and end the leakage.

Float Switch Problem

In the case that your dishwasher is too full, the doors are more likely to leak. The float switch functions to prevent the doors from overflowing. However, if the float switch is stuck on something, it may not work properly. If you see this, replacing that switch will solve the problem.

Drainage Issues

If your Dishwasher is Leaking and you noticed it has not been draining properly, the water level can rise too high. To check and fix drainage issues, look at the filter in the. bottom of the dishwasher. Remove anything that is clogging that filter and remove it.

Leaky Pump Seal

Give a check to the seal around your water pump to check this one. If you see water dripping from the pump housing or motor, you must remove the pump and then replace the rubber seal.

Dishwasher Sitting Crooked

This may seem an obvious check, however, it is important enough to remind you. The dishwasher must be set and sitting level to work correctly. To check this and be sure, use a carpenter’s level and adjust accordingly. An even dishwasher will make it far less likely that your Dishwasher is Leaking.

If Your Dishwasher is Leaking and You’ve Tried all these Suggestions

If you’ve taken a look at the areas above and are still unsure or not comfortable addressing that your Dishwasher is Leaking, we have you covered. Simply contact us at and we can advise or if you need to come out and take a look at the issue.



Knowing the Right Types of Plumbing Pipes

It is a joyous and exciting time when building or buying a new home. Likewise, it is a very busy and sometimes stressful process as well. There are so many specifics that you want to be sure of and it weighs heavily on the new homebuyer to not forget any important details. One very important detail that you want to be sure of is finding the right Types of Plumbing Pipes and knowing which are best suited to get the job done right.

Is this really that important? Can’t you just totally rely on the builders and plumbing staff brought in for the right Types of Plumbing Types? Well, more than likely they would get you set up correctly. However, in case you don’t want to even take the slightest chance, below we will familiarize you with four different Types of Plumbing Pipes.

Different Metallic Types of Plumbing Pipes

As you are probably aware, the different Types of Plumbing Pipes are made from different materials. Each has reasoning and its benefits for being made as such. The first two types we will detail for you are made of metallic-like material, with copper first and then galvanized steel.

Copper Piping

The first type of piping we will look at is copper. This is many times used to either construct or renovate gas line plumbing systems. Cooper pipe is known to be extremely durable and reliable in residential or commercial properties. They handle very high pressures and also extreme cold or hot temperatures. Copper piping is more expensive than our other options, but if installed right lasts 50-70 years on average. Below are the most important benefits or characteristics of copper pipe to take into consideration.

  • Very reliable against corrosion
  • Fire resistant
  • One of the most common materials available
  • Able to be used with hot and cold water
  • Does not release any dangerous materials into water
  • Must be soldered together by a professional

Galvanized Steel Piping

Next up among our Types of Plumbing Pipes is Galvanized Steel Pipe. These are obviously made of steel. But it is steel that has been dipped in a molten zinc protective coating. This helps prevent or at least delay rust or corrosion. These Types of Plumbing Pipes first became popular as an alternative to lead pipes in the months and years after World War I. The most popular that Galvanized piping saw was from those early days up and through the 1980’s. The one setback with these Types of Plumbing Pipes is that after decades of use they can develop corrosion and rust buildup which can create some serious plumbing issues. The benefits and characteristics of galvanized steel piping to consider are below.

  • They are less expensive than copper
  • More durability than copper pipe
  • They have a wider diameter to allow more water flow than other Types of Plumbing Pipes
  • Is mainly used for “gray” water (i.e., excess bath, sink, and appliance water)
  • Once they age and rust appears, there can be visible pieces of rust in the contents of your water

Plastic-Like and Non-Metallic Types of Plumbing Pipes

Just as with the two metallic Types of Plumbing Pipes, each of the two we will cover next has its benefits. These non-metallic pipes are very durable, as you might expect. Are they the right fit for your home or place of business? Well, take a look below and become more familiar with each and take any guessing out of the equation when answering that question.

Polyethylene Piping (PEX)

Our next analysis of the Types of Plumbing Pipes is made of plastic. Polyethylene or PEX pipe is used for water supply piping systems in homes or commercial locations. A major plus is the flexibility of this type of piping, which makes for easier installation. While initial installation costs are usually higher than other piping, there is practically no maintenance needed with PEX pipe. It ranges in sizes from 1/4 to 4 inches in diameter and is heat resistant and incredibly durable. The most important characteristics of PEX piping are shown below.

  • Easily installed
  • Generally leak-free
  • Helps conserve energy due to a reduced heat transfer
  • Less expensive than copper piping
  • Does not need to have a threaded connection or soldering
  • Corrosion-resistant
  • Most resistant piping to scale buildup
  • A good fit for smaller commercial or residential property

Polyvinyl Piping (PVC)

Our final analysis of Types of Plumbing Pipes is one used for an array of piping applications. Polyvinyl or as it’s better known, PVC piping can be used for anything from sprinkler systems to transport piping for drinking water. This is a very popular alternative to lead-based piping that is often used throughout the United States and England. It is known as a very durable pipe and is very reasonably priced also, which adds to this materials allure. The fact that it has the capability to operate for over 100 years is also a good selling point. Some of the characteristics of PVC piping that you should know are shown on the following list.

  • Different levels of thickness of the pipe are available depending on what type of job it’s being used for
  • Is often used for drinking water and sewage-related plumbing applications
  • The PVC piping used in the aforementioned drinking water pipes are specially designed to meet any and all health regulations and requirements
  • Polyvinyl is a low-carbon, recyclable plastic. Thus, PVC piping is an environmentally friendly selection

Making Sure You are Making the Right Choice

So, this concludes our look at the four main Types of Plumbing Pipes. Now that you are a bit more familiar with your options, your decision for which pipes to use for which jobs should make more sense than coming in blindly. A conversation with one of the professionals from your trusted Raleigh plumbers at Poole’s Plumbing before they start the installation process combined with your new-found knowledge should have you on the right path to plumbing pipe perfection.

To contact us about your pipes or any other plumbing issues you may have, visit



What is the Cause of My Slow Filling Toilet?

It has happened to us all. All of a sudden you notice after a flush that it is seeming to take your bowl longer than usual to fill back up. This is not a real uncommon problem. Likewise, it does not need to be something that turns into a huge problem., This of course all depends on how quickly you detect and address your Slow Filling Toilet.

Now, if you just read that and thought, “oh no, how can I tell what’s causing my Slow Filling Toilet,” it’s ok. Your friends at Poole’s Plumbing have got your back! Below we will give you three main issues to look for that could be the source of the Slow Filling Toilet. Remember, it usually takes the toilet about one minute to refill. Any longer than this you should keep an eye on the following things listed below.

Possible Causes of a Slow Filling Toilet 

As we note above, these are three possible reasons behind a Slow Filling Toilet.

Problem #1 – Water Supply Valve

Just to be clear, the water supply valve is the knob coming out of the wall just below the toilet tank. What purpose it serves is to control the water flowing into your toilet. If this is in any way closed or not functioning right, it may not be able to deliver the needed amount of water at the speed to fill it correctly. This would result in a Slow Filling Toilet.

Another possible problem could occur with the valve if debris of some type has built up. This can also make the filling speed slower due to the water flow being restricted.

Troubleshoot Tip #1 for Slow Filling Toilet

 If you check the valve and it is completely open, and still not producing enough water to fill the tank, call Poole’s Plumbing. We will give a check for debris buildup.

Problem #2 – Your Float Ball is Water Logged

The float ball is pretty self descriptional. For those not familiar, it is the ball inside your tank that sits on top of the water. Its function is to control the amount of incoming water. If this ball becomes waterlogged, it will not allow the tank to fill correctly.

Thus, the water may either fill at a slower rate or the correct amount may not enter the tank. This would also create a Slow Filling Toilet situation.

Troubleshooting Tip #2 for Slow Filling Toilet

 Check your tanks’ water level. First, remove the tank’s lid to check. Then if you can see that it’s not full or that the ball is not floating at the top, it may be waterlogged. As with the first two problems, if this happens, you could see a Slow Filling Toilet.

This is not the worst news however, as replacing a float ball is simple. Just pull the old one from the arm and put a new one in its place. Of note also though is that a float ball is somewhat dated technology now when it comes to plumbing resources. You may want to get more modern components for your replacement if the ball is no longer working.

Problem #3- Issues with the Fill Valve Tube

Your fill valve tube is inside the toilet tank as well. Quite simply when you look in the tank, it is the tube attaching to the fill valve. The tube’s function is to control the tank’s water level. Over time, with any toilet, the fill valve can start wearing down. Likewise, they can move out of alignment or become clogged as well. If any of those three problems are occurring with your fill valve tube, it can stop the tank from properly filling up.

Troubleshooting Tip #3 for Slow Filling Toilet

If you rule out the water supply valve and a waterlogged float ball, you should look at the actual fill valve. Look for any signs of wear and tear of it being in an incorrect position. It should be on the left side of the tank. Likewise, it should have a tailpiece that extends through the tank’s bottom where it attaches to the supply tube or shut off valve.

So, if you happen to notice you have a Slow Filling Toilet, this is no reason to fret. Calmly, coolly, and assuredly just take a look at each of the possibilities above and analyze. If there is an issue that you are uncertain or uncomfortable in fixing personally, give us a call! Here at Poole’s Plumbing, we are the number one name in Raleigh plumbers for over 20 years. To contact us, following the link to our “Contact Us” section at



What is a Sump Pump? How Do I Know if I Need One?

Well, it sounds important…right? It rhymes, that’s undeniable. But seriously, many people I am sure are not fully aware of the answer to the question asked in the title of this post. What is a Sump Pump? Once you find out, equally as important of a second question is the following. How do I know if I need one?

To ask the question, What is a Sump Pump should not make anyone feel less intelligent or knowing than anyone else. Maybe you heard a neighbor discussing how it saved them from a flood? That alone should stoke one’s curiosity enough to ask exactly what this pump is and whether or not you need one.

What is a Sump Pump?

Ok, whether you know or not, we are going to tell you. A sump pump is a submersible device that gets installed in a pit dug at the lowest area in your home. Thus, the sump pump is usually found in a crawl space or the basement. The main function of a sump pump is to prevent your basement from a flood.

How Exactly Does it Work? 

Ok, now that we all know for sure, What is a Sump Pump, let’s move on to its actual function. Most of the time in actuality, the sump pump does nothing. Well, it is on standby actually, as if there are no heavy rains or deep water, then there is no function for the sump pump to perform.

However, when heavy precipitation does occur, the soil around one’s home becomes soaked and saturated. The groundwater in these type situations funnels then toward the pit which was dug for your pump. Once this starts filling with water, the sump pumps float switch is activated, and it turns on.

Once working, the pump drains to either a dry well, a detention pond, or a storm drain. In doing this it works to prevent the groundwater from rising to the level of the floor in your basement. So, basically, the sump pump is a little extra bit of flood insurance.

What is a Sump Pump Benefits?

Now we for sure know what a sump pump is. We also are versed on what its function is and how it works. Obviously, as noted, it can help keep your basement from flooding. But when laid out in a list, there are actually quite a few benefits. They are listed below.

  • Stop your basement from flooding
  • Safeguard any appliances in the basement from corrosion (washer, dryer, spare freezer, etc.)
  • Protect any paint and other wall coverings
  • Reduce the growth of fungus, mold, and mildew
  • Improve air quality
  • Protect and keep the foundation of your home intact
  • Keep your basement dry and comfortable year-round
  • Meet a requirement of many homeowner’s insurance coverage in case of a basement flood
  • Help protect against termites and other insects
  • You can worry less about bad weather

So…Do I Need One?

Ok, not to be repetitive here, but let’s re-trace our steps. We have a definition. It is clear what the purpose and function of a sump pump are. We even know how it works and what the many possible benefits are. Boy, we sure have come a long way since asking What is a Sump Pump?

However, while all of these things are pretty clear and straightforward, some locations need this type of device more than others. That being said, we would recommend having a sump pump if any of the things on the list below are true.

  • You live somewhere with heavy snow or rainfall
  • Your home sets on a flood-prone or poorly draining plot of land
  • You have had flooding and/or water issues in the past.
  • You have a finished basement

We hope in this post you have become more familiar with the sump pump. Hey, maybe you read through and it is not something that you need at all. But, if you learned from all we discussed in this article that you do need this installed, you’re in luck. Just give a call to the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbers for the past two decades, Poole’s Plumbing. To contact us, visit



Identifying the Backup and How to Unclog a Bathroom Sink

What is the best way to Unclog a Bathroom Sink? This is an often-asked question and the answer is not as simple as you might think.

To begin with and before we get to how we Unclog a Bathroom Sink, we must identify what exactly is clogging it. Depending on the source of this blockage, there are different ways to go about freeing the backup. We do need to know this before we can begin unclogging, though. So, let’s begin by looking at the four items most often found responsible for a clog.

What is Causing the Clog?

As we note above, there are four common answers to what is clogging your bathroom drain, usually. Here we will look at each of these and discuss the best way to Unclog a Bathroom Sink in each of these instances.

  • Clumps of Hair- We have all seen this before. Hair will enter the sink drain and get caught or clumped inside fairly regularly. To Unclog a Bathroom Sink that hair is the cause, find an item like tweezers or a “zip-it” tool to pull from the drain. If that does not work, you must look at disassembling the whole drain, pulling the hair and reassembling after.
  • Damaged Pipes- The rusting or corroding of your pipes can be the cause of a slow drain or an eventual clog. If this is the problem, you should 1) replace the pipes as soon as possible. Likewise, 2) you can try snaking them to clear through and make things run faster.
  • Soap Scum- Much like the clumped hair, soap scum is a “clog maker” that most people are familiar with. This is a very common “clogger” of drains. To Unclog a Bathroom Sink which is due to soap scum build up try first to pour boiling water through the drain. baking soda and vinegar will also usually work to Unclog a Bathroom Sink. If neither of these work, use a plunger and warm water.
  • Obstruction in P-Trap- The P-Trap is the curved pipe that connects your bathroom sink to the pipe that goes into your wall. Small items can easily fall into the drain and get stuck in this pipe, causing clogging. To Unclog a Bathroom Sink in this case, you just clean out the P-Trap.

What if I tried all these and could not Unclog a Bathroom Sink?

So, you have tried each of the suggested methods to Unclog a Bathroom Sink. Now, if none of them worked, it’s time to contact a pro. Luckily for you, Poole’s Plumbing is the most trusted name in all areas of plumbing across the Raleigh area. Unclogging is no problem to our great staff, and we’d be happy to help you. To contact us at Poole’s for this or any plumbing needs, visit



Why Switch to Tankless Water Heaters?

One plumbing product in the last decade that has seen a spike in popularity is Tankless Water Heater. You hear them mentioned all the time. But, even when doing some research on them, you still may be unsure of whether these are a good fit for you, personally. Well, not only are you in luck, but you have the Raleigh hot water heater experts at Poole’s Plumbing here to help better explain. We will give you  the “ins and outs” of Tankless Water Heaters and from there the decision is all yours.

At Poole’s Plumbing, we have long been known in the Raleigh area as advanced when it has come to the evolution of water heaters. Hence, our being called the ” Raleigh- area Water Heater experts.” So rather than leaving you confused as to the benefits of Tankless Water Heaters, the “experts” have got you covered. Below we will take an in-depth look at Tankless Water Heaters.

How do Tankless Water Heaters Work Differently from Traditional Style?

Once again, your friends at Poole’s Plumbing are here to set the record straight and give you all the details. To begin describing how Tankless Water Heaters operate differently, one must first understand how the traditional units work. That would be to have a tank of hot water that the traditional unit keeps heated constantly. Thus, when a faucet is turned on, hot water is readily available.

On the contrary, Tankless Water Heaters heat the water they hold “on demand.” Now, let’s explain what “on-demand” is exactly. When you turn on a shower or faucet for hot water, cold water enters the unit. In the tankless units, it will pass a heating element or burner and instantly reach the desired hot temperatures. So, with the Tankless Water Heaters, there is no wait time. To explain, the traditional unit would have to wait as the storage tank to refill. With the Tankless models, there is no storage or refill, as it simply heats the water as needed and as used.

What Does Eliminating the Storage Tank Mean to You?

So, again, there are so many articles that explain things like not having to store the water. However, most of these never go the one step further to explain what that means to you personally. Thus, being the Raleigh water heater experts, we would like to tell you exactly what it means to you.

So, below is several advantages that Tankless Water Heaters give you as opposed to the traditional units.

  • Size- Tankless Water Heaters are much smaller in size. They mount directly to the wall.
  • Eliminate Leakage- As we discuss above, there is no stored water with Tankless Water Heaters. This eliminates any chance of leakage and damage from that occurring.
  • Efficiency- The efficiency rate of Tankless Water Heaters is nearly 99 percent. This gives you the most energy-efficient and environmentally correct water heater.
  • Savings- Due to only heating water when it is needed, Tankless Water heaters also reduce your water heating costs. This is because thermal heat loss is completely eliminated since there is no storage needed. It’s estimated the Tankless Water Heaters save you as much as 50 percent on. water heating costs.
  • Life Span- Tankless Water Heaters have a longer life span on average than traditional units. The Tankless models usually last about 20 years. Consequently, the storage type models last between 8-12.

What is the Difference Between “Whole-House” or “Point-of-Use”?

With all of the apparent advantages of going tankless, you may already feel these units are what you need. However, one other major plus of them is their flexibility. To explain, you can go in two directions when choosing your tankless heater. The first option we will look at is “Whole-House” size heater.

Whole House Tankless Water Heaters

Pretty self-explanatory, but to go into detail, this is a large unit that is centrally located. The water comes from the unit through your pipes, to each hot water fixture. This is usually the most cost-effective option for purchase and installation. However, to continue being thorough, we must explain that there are some possible drawbacks to the “whole house” water heaters.

First, you have to wait for the water to get hot at the tap. This is similar to a traditional unit. The reason for this is that the further a fixture is from the water heater, the longer it takes the hot water to travel and get there. The other possible issue is that with a Tankless Water Heater, you may only be able to get hot water from one or two sources at the same time. This is because the flow rate is less with a tankless model.

Point-of-Use Tankless Water Heaters

Where a “point-of-use” tankless water heater truly is most effective is by giving you instant hot water due to the placement of the unit. These are basically a smaller Tankless Water Heater that ia an easy install throughout one’s house. Popular placement includes under a sink or in a closet. This type not only eliminates any flow rate issues but also takes care of having to have the water travel through pipes at a great distance too.

Which if Any is Right for You?

So, there you have just about anything you would need to know as an introduction to Tankless Water Heaters. If you have any further questions, contact us, the number one trusted name in Tankless Water Heaters in the Raleigh area, Poole’s Plumbing. We can service, install, or just answer your questions. To reach us, go to


How to Increase Well System Water Pressure

Many have never before relied on a well system for their plumbing or water source. Thus, they probably cannot imagine some of the water pressure issues that can go along with this. However, for those who do have to deal with Well System Water Pressure problems, it can truly be a frustrating one.

Just because you are a homeowner whose home uses a well system though does not mean you need to suffer through the problems that can arise with this. On the contrary, the trusted Raleigh professional plumbers here at Poole’s Plumbing are once again here to help. Thus, by checking regularly and following our troubleshooting tips below, you can stay on top of your Well System Water Pressure issues and nowhere to look and fix if they resurface again somewhere down the line.

Is There a Way to Improve My Well System Water Pressure on My Own?

To begin taking a look at improving your Well System Water Pressure, first, it is advisable to learn how to test your water pressure. The ideal level for Well System Water Pressure is between 40 and 60 psi. Once you have learned to check the pressure, remember to give this a look several times throughout the year, so if levels are dropping you are in the know before any problem persists.

Where Do I Start to Check the Pressure?

In order to accurately check your Well System Water Pressure, the first step is to turn off your circuit. This will be connected directly to your well pump. Once certain that the circuit is off, use a gauge to test your system’s air fill valve. As we note above, you are looking for this to read between 40 and 60 psi. Thus, if the Well System Water Pressure is outside of that range, adjust your pressure switch accordingly.

Even After Adjusting, My Well System Water Pressure is Still Low

So, you took the first step in troubleshooting the issue and got no results. Not to worry or get frustrated, as this can happen. Many times, if the Well System Water Pressure does not fix the issue, it can mean you have a clogged water pipe. This is not uncommon, as pipes can over time become filled with debris such as mineral deposits or sediment. These types of things entering your water pipes can allow the flow. Thus, this would lead to a decrease in pressure. If you think this is where the problem lies, we recommend calling the professionals here at Poole’s Plumbing. This way, we can come out and do a diagnostic test to see if you have a blockage or if possibly your pipes are too narrow.

Time to Inspect

So, to this point our troubleshooting has our pressure checked and eliminated the prospect of a clog. The next step to check our Well System Water Pressure level is inspection. The first thing to be inspected is the water itself. If you find that you have “hard water,” this could certainly be your water pressure issue. To diagnose this, look for calcium deposits on or near your faucets. If you see these things, you will want to install a water softener. This can take care of any hard water issues.

Now, when checking your Well System Water Pressure, you may be able to detect hard water in your pipes. However, another possible cause here is a failing pressure tank or well pump. If either of these is the issue, call us here at Poole’s Plumbing. We can do a diagnostic on your well pump and pressure tank to see what exactly the cause is. Likewise, once the issue is identified, we can get your water pressure up to a normal level.

What About a Constant Pressure System?

If you do not already have a constant pressure system, the purpose they serve is to keep water pressure from dropping even when multiple water sources or fixtures in your home are being used at once. You can install this device on your water line which enters your home. This will give your Well System Water Pressure a consistently strong flow.

If in any way, you are trying to diagnose your Well System Water Pressure and you are unsure, give us a call. Likewise, if any of these steps once you arrive at them make you uncomfortable, just go to and get in touch, so we can get out and lend you a hand.


Faucets with Smart Technology are Washing us Into the Future

Smart. Something we all aspire to be. This  one word can cover a lot of area, but when it comes to the particular subject for Faucets with Smart Technology, smart takes on dual meanings.

Technology. One word that any person reading this can read and think of countless ways our lives are different because of it. The ways that our cars operate. How we protect our homes. What we are watching and how we are watching television. Obviously, the evolution of the wall phone to the smartphone.

The inside of our homes is no different in that the more advances we see in technology, the more convenient or “smart” our homes get. The bathroom is no exception, as one can attest by looking at the innovations to toilets and showers. Likewise, and where will be discussing in this post, Faucets with Smart Technology are the “next wave” to be looking for.

Bathrooms have been “growing up” in regard to technology for quite some time now. Everything from lighting to the temperature setting on all appliances and areas. But, in this piece on Faucets with Smart Technology, we are not going to focus so much on the “pampering” aspects of the innovations. Instead, we will look at exactly how you can use Faucets with Smart Technology to be …well, smarter.

Being “Smart” and Connecting to Your Faucets with Smart Technology

There have been many Faucets with Smart Technology whose features evolved greatly. Most of us have seen how water temperature can be preset through the usage of apps. Likewise, the “touch-free,” motion sensor faucets have continued to see improvements over the years. However, this latest innovation to Faucets with Smart Technology we will discuss can not only aid convenience, but help you conserve and consume with no worries, and very little effort.

The product we speak of was first developed by a North-Eastern United States startup company and is a combination a water filter and meter. Thus, it allows you to connect any of your own smart devices to these Faucets with Smart Technology. Once you connect, the technology not only filters and informs you of the water quality levels but also monitors exactly how much is used.

So, whereas most filters would run on a time-based module, this type is based on the amount of water you consume. So, it can actually produce real-time data and information for you. This innovation basically tells you how good your water filter is working, the level of the water quality you are consuming is, and how much water you actually consume.

Monitoring, Filtering and Helping You Save Money

There are multiple ways for Faucets with Smart Technology to save you from wasting water. Likewise, they can save you  from wasting money. How exactly you ask? Well, let us explain.

Having  Faucets with Smart Technology helps you be able to plan ahead. As a result, you can accordingly adjust your usage. This is not the only way your Faucets with Smart Technology help you save though.

This new module can help you save on your water bill in a variety of ways. For example, it could be set to remind you when brushing your teeth to turn off the faucet. Likewise, it can recognize a leak, which we all know can be costly. So, you are both avoiding wasting water. Likewise, you will save on your monthly bills as a result of this.

Faucets with Smart Technology, With No Need for a New Faucet?!?!

Let’s say this company is able to secure the funding and release this product. As a result, consumers will have more accurate water consumption information than ever previously thought possible. In addition to this item in regard to Faucets with Smart Technology, you don’t even need a new faucet, as it will attach directly to your existing plumbing feature.

Your friends at Poole’s Plumbing are not only the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbers for the past two decades. They also are always staying on top of the latest innovations in all plumbing technology. As the innovations in Faucets with Smart Technology progress, we at Poole’s will keep you posted.  To contact us here at Poole’s for any and all of your plumbing needs, visit





What Takes So Long for Water Heating Up

Regardless of the time of year, the weather outside, or the number of people in a household, the amount of time it takes Your Water to Heat Up is crucial. Straight up, if you need hot water, whether showering, cooking, or washing, you don’t want to wait. So, if you have been waiting too long for Your Water to Heat Up, the most trusted water heater authority in the Raleigh area, Pooler’s Plumbing has compiled the following list of 5 reasons you may be waiting for Your Water to Heat Up.

Just to give you five possible reasons why you are waiting for Your Water Heating Up is not really solving the problem for you though now, is it? Never fear, though, your friends at Poole’s have got you covered. To see how to speed your water heating process up, just continue reading the paragraphs below. Now let’s hurry up, that water of yours must be freezing!!!

Five Reasons that You May Be Waiting for Your Water Heating Up

Your Water Heater Is Failing

As water heaters get up in age, especially around the ten-year mark, they are nearing the end of service time. This can lead to the unit being less effective and even stopping to work entirely. If you discover this why you are Waiting for Your Water Heating Up, give Poole’s a call and we can come help you decide whether it should be fixed or replaced.

Water Heater is Too Far Away

Our first three “reasons” on this list, we will stick with looking at the water heater. This one would seem common sense for why you’re Waiting for Your Water Heating Up. Stated, the further your water heater from the faucets or your shower, then the longer it takes for the hot water to get to you and your family.

Undersized Water Heater

So, this is our third of three “reasons” for Waiting for Your Water Heating Up that could be water heater related. Likewise, as the case with our previous entry, this would also seem to be common sense. However, it can happen. Let’s say you initially had two people in your home, but over several years, you family has grown. This will lead to more hot water being used and your solution may be in just upgrading to a larger unit.

The Buildup of Sediment or Rust

Yes, technically this “reason” would find you checking your water heater as well. Regardless, over time, sediment does build up in your water heater. This results in dissolved minerals such as Calcium or magnesium settling on the bottom of the water heater’s tank. Seeing this is also where the unit’s electric heating element or burner is located, you may need to replace or flush out the water heater to help improve its effectiveness.

Low Volume Restrictor

Your reason for Waiting for Your Water Heating Up may not be as complex as thought. If you have a low volume restrictor installed, in your shower, or on any plumbing fixtures this can delay the delivery of water.

When Will the Hot Water Return?

Ok, so we just took an in-depth look at why you may be Waiting for Your Water Heating Up. The logical next question you would have is, when will the hot water return once it has run out. Well, ask, and you shall receive an answer…

To get to our answer though, we again refer to the specifics of your home’s water heater. On average, an 80-gallon gas water heater will take about an hour before hot water comes back. But the actual recovery time can vary greatly depending on the following four factors.

  • Size of Tank- Simply put, the larger your tank size, the longer the recovery time.
  • Type of Fuel- If you have an electric water heater, your unit will take about twice as long to reheat than a gas water heater does.
  • Time for Temperature to Rise- When it is cold outside and the incoming water temperature is, therefore, colder than usual, it takes longer to reheat.
  • “First Hour Rating” (FHR)- It will take less time for the water heater to reheat the higher your FHR is.

Don’t Sit Waiting for Your Water Heating Up, Poole’s Has all Your Water Heater Issues Covered. 

Poole’s’ Plumbing is known as the number one source and authority for water heaters across the Raleigh area. Whether you have a tankless or traditional water heater. Whether gas or electric. If you need a tune-up or a full replacement. Regardless of any of these services you need, Poole’s Plumbing will not leave you Waiting for Your Water to Heat Up.

To discuss hot water issues or have one of our professionals come take a look, visit us at







Winter Plumbing Preparation: Be Ready to Avoid Getting Stuck in the Cold

As we have noticed here locally over the past two months, as the seasons change, we can at times see some unpredictable weather. This could be said basically in the weeks and months surrounding the change of each season. In regard to how your home plumbing system is affected or any changes or preparation needed to be ready for a new season, the transition from Fall to Winter sees the most drastic measures needing to be taken. Now, that is not to make you worry, as the actual preparation is not difficult. However, the problems start when you are not on top of your Winter Plumbing Preparation. As you will see below, just taking some preventative measures can be the difference in some big savings.

As we just noted, to be on top of your Winter Plumbing Preparation does not take a plumber, per see. There are not many mechanical tasks to prepare and have you worry-free when it comes to any surprise plumbing issues this winter. But there are quite a few areas that you want to monitor. Whether indoors or outdoors, faucets or pipes, in this piece, we will walk through simple ways that you can with minimal effort have your home “winterized.”

Winter Plumbing Preparation: What are We Preparing For?

Well, the above subheading does raise a valid inquiry. So, for those of you maybe not familiar with Winter Plumbing Preparation, we will explain. Basically, the winter months see a big drop in temperature. At points during the winter, temperatures will go below freezing. This can be a plumbing issue, as your pipes could freeze. Likewise, with snow, ice, or sludge on the ground or in the air, outdoor plumbing items could get clogged or damaged as well.

Below, we will start our helpful hints for Winter Plumbing Preparation. In this series of articles, we will cover burst pipes, indoor plumbing, and outdoor faucets and plumbing as well. Hopefully, by the time you’ve finished reading these posts, you will be able to keep an eye on a few areas that even with temperatures dropping you can feel warm inside, knowing your plumbing system is ready for the cold.

What Causes Pipes to Burst in Winter?

Well, the cold. That’s the simple answer. But to go in detail, when temperatures drop below freezing, water freezes. When water freezes, it expands. When this water is contained inside pipes, this puts an incredible amount of pressure on your pipes. Whether the pipes are plastic or metal, if forced to expand too far, these pipes will crack.

Most at risk and most in need of your Winter Plumbing Preparation are the pipes that run along a home’s exterior walls. This is because these pipes tend to have little insulation. Likewise, pipes that are in an unheated area like a basement, attic, or kitchen cupboard are at greater risk as well. The pipes that are most “at-risk” for freezing, cracking or bursting are any located outdoors. Hose bibbs, pool supply lines, sprinkler system lines all are ones to be given attention during your Winter Plumbing Preparation.

Winter Plumbing Preparation for Indoor Plumbing

To start, we will take a look at some helpful hints for Winter Plumbing Preparation inside the house. Below are six reminders that could wind up saving you not only from a mess but also in repair costs.

  • Add additional insulation to basements, attics, and crawl spaces. This helps to raise and keep temperatures higher in these usually less insulated areas.
  • If going out of town for an extended period of time or not going to be at your house, set the thermostat no lower than 55 degrees
  • Repair any broken windows or door seals to help keep temperatures regulated inside the house
  • Keep your garage door closed
  • Open kitchen and bathroom faucets to let them drip during extremely cold temperatures. This helps to keep the water moving and doesn’t allow for it to freeze.
  • Remove all outdoor hoses from the spigot. Hoses can often time hold water inside them even after the water has been shut off. If the water in the hose is left to freeze it will expand and could cause damage to the spigot.

Outdoor Preparation is Next!

In our upcoming second post on Winter Plumbing Preparation, we will take things outdoors. Much like we did in this piece with indoor preparation, we will give you some helpful pointers and remind you of all the areas outdoors that you will want to be sure your Winter Plumbing Preparation is in order.

For information or to contact the most trusted name in Raleigh plumbing, Poole’s Plumbing, go to


signs-of-sewage-backups-Pooles Plumbing

Signs of Sewage Backups for Early Detection

A true plumbing emergency, sewage backup can not only be smelly and disgusting, but they are also dangerous. To avoid allowing this problem to be a disastrous one, the earlier a backup is identified, the better. Thus, the most trusted name in Raleigh area plumbers, Poole’s Plumbing has a list of common Signs of Sewage Backups to share and hopefully help you to save.

As we note above, it is crucial to nip this problem in the bud as soon as possible. Sewage backups can cause major damage to your plumbing system and they only get worse the longer they are undetected.

Common Signs of Sewage Backups

  • Bubbling in Your Drains or Toilet: 

    If you notice bubbles coming up through your toilet or any drain, this is a red flag. It more than likely means that wastewater can’t properly flow through the plumbing system. When this is blocked, that water backs up because it has nowhere it can go.

  • Multiple Drains Clogging at Same Time: 

    When you notice a clog, it is not always the hugest of issues. However, what makes clogs show possible Signs of Sewage Backups is when there are clogs in many drains at once. Usually, the first drains effected are the one lowest in your home in these cases.

  • Sewage-Like Odors: 

    One of the most obvious Signs of Sewage Backups is that horrible smell. Any foul stench coming from your drains or a sewage smell anywhere in the home usually means a sewage backup.

  • Strange Action from a Fixture While Using a Separate Fixture: 

    An example of this would be if you flush your toilet and notice a backup in the shower. This is an immediate red flag.

  • Sewage Coming from a Cleanout Pipe: 

    The capped pipes that provide actual access to the sewer line is a cleanout pipe. Thus, if you see sewage coming up from a pipe in your basement or yard, these are telltale Signs of Sewage Backups.

  • More Than One Fixture Draining Slowly at Same Time: 

    When wastewater cannot pass through the pipes, drains will by default be slow. Likewise, this type of issue will usually start at the home’s lowest drains. Then the Signs of Sewage Backups emerge as it moves up through your system.

  • Standing Water in a Cleanout Pipe: 

    Much as we noted that seeing sewage in a cleanout pipe shows Signs of Sewage Backups, so does seeing standing water. In any of these instances, it is always wise to check your cleanout pipe. Basically, any type of backup there will tell you that you have a backup problem.

Let Us Help So Signs Remain Just That…Signs

Being the number one name in Raleigh plumbers for the past twenty years, Poole’s Plumbing can assist you with any of these Signs of Sewage Backups. As we stress earlier in the post and again here, Signs of Sewage Backups that go undetected just continue to make matters worse. Unnoticed this situation can become messy and even hazardous. To contact us about a sewage backup or any plumbing needs, visit