Plumbing News and Tips for Homeowners in the Raleigh NC Area, New Product Reviews, Water Heaters and Tankless water heater advice from local certified plumbers.

Tankless Vs. Tank Water Heaters: Which One to Choose?

Tankless Vs. Tank Water Heaters: Which One to Choose? — Choosing a water heater for your home might seem like an easy task, but with a plethora of options available in the market, it can quickly become overwhelming. While the most common types are tank and tankless water heaters, you might be wondering which one is better. In this blog post, we’ll explain the differences between the two and list the pros and cons of each to help you make an informed decision.

Tank Water Heaters

Tank Water Heaters

Tank water heaters store hot water in a tank, which is heated by gas or electric power. The heater kicks in when the temperature drops below the set level, and then it warms the water back up to the desired temperature. Tank water heaters are cheaper than tankless heaters, and many people are more familiar with them.

Pros of a Tank Water Heater:

  • Purchase and installation cost is lower than that of a tankless heater
  • Can handle multiple outlets running at the same time
  • Installation is simpler than a tankless heater
  • Larger tanks are available to provide a bigger capacity of hot water storage.

Cons of a Tank Water Heater:

  • Water in the tank can lose heat and therefore waste electricity or gas
  • Lifespan is generally shorter than tankless heaters
  • Tanks require space to store which may not be ideal for homes with limited space or living in communal buildings.
Tankless Water Heaters

Tankless Water Heaters

A tankless water heater does not store hot water. Instead, when you turn on a hot water faucet, water is heated with a gas burner or electric element as it passes through the current of pipes. This means you only get hot water on-demand, and nothing is wasted by being stored away in a tank.

Pros of a Tankless Water Heater:

  • Energy-efficient since no energy is being wasted in storing water
  • Takes up less space than a tank water heater
  • Higher lifespan than a tank water heater
  • On-demand hot water that is always available

Cons of a Tankless Water Heater:

  • Installation and purchase cost is higher than that of a tank heater
  • Cannot handle several water outlets operating simultaneously
  • In cold areas, they might require larger units with higher heating capabilities to cope with the high demand to ensure adequate supply of hot water
  • Can be a bit complex to install and may require a professional plumber


Both Tank and Tankless water heaters have advantages and disadvantages. When deciding which type of water heater you want to purchase, or upgrade too, you will need to consider factors such as your living situation, location, family size, and energy-use habits. If you have a large family and limited hot water needs, a tank water heater can be a great option. On the other hand, if you’re environmentally-conscious, a tankless water heater could be the best choice. Your budget and installation costs, as well as the long-term cost savings, should also inform your decision. With this information, you can choose which option is most suitable for your home.

When considering switching from a tank to a tankless water heater, it’s crucial to consult a professional plumber. This is because there are specific permits and regulations that need to be followed when installing a new water heater, vs just replacing an existing one. A plumber can also help determine the right size and type of tankless water heater for your household’s needs, as well as advise on any potential installation issues that may arise.

Contact one of Poole’s Plumbing’s certified and insured, expert water heater installers to learn more about worry-free plumbing and making the switch to a tankless water heater. With their expertise, you can have peace of mind knowing your new water heater is installed correctly and efficiently. In conclusion, both options have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference.

What can you pour down a toilet to unclog it?

What can you pour down a toilet to unclog it?

What can you pour down a toilet to unclog it? Let’s start with things that should never go into your toilet. It’s the season to be jolly, but it’s also the season where we tend to throw caution out of the window and do things we usually wouldn’t. One thing that you should never let your guard down is what you flush down your toilet.

You may think everything goes down the drain, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Certain things can cause blockages or damage your plumbing system, while others can harm the environment. Here are some of the most common items you should never flush down your toilet.

Cat poop

You may think it’s convenient to flush away your cat’s business, but it harms your plumbing and the environment. Cat poop can contain parasites and bacteria, which may contaminate water sources and harm marine life. It’s best to scoop it into a bag and throw it in the trash.

Non-flushable wipes

Even if they say “flushable” on the packaging, wipes should never be flushed down your toilet. These “flushable” wipes do not break down like toilet paper and can cause significant blockages in your plumbing.


Children’s toys may seem harmless fun, but when they accidentally end up in the toilet, they can cause serious clogs. Keep an eye on your little ones to make sure they don’t try to flush their toys down the toilet.

Feminine hygiene products

Tampons and pads are designed to absorb liquids, which can expand and cause blockages in your plumbing. These products should always be disposed of in the trash, even if the packaging says they are safe to flush.

Dental floss

Dental floss may seem harmless, but it’s not biodegradable and can easily get tangled in your plumbing pipes. It’s best to dispose of it in the trash or look for biodegradable floss options.


So, flushing expired or unused medications down the toilet may seem convenient, but it harms the environment. These chemicals can end up in our water sources and harm aquatic life. Instead, dispose of them properly at a local pharmacy or through designated medication disposal programs.

Cooking grease and oil

Dispensing or getting rid of cooking grease and different cooking oil down the drain may seem like an easy way to get rid of it, but it can solidify in your plumbing pipes and cause major clogs. It’s best to dispose of these substances in separate containers and throw or dispose of them in the trash.

Things you should never put down your toilet

Q: What can you pour down a toilet to unclog it? A: Make a safe drain cleaner

Add these ingredients to your clogged toilet bowl and let it sit overnight. Flush the following day to see if the clog will clear.

1 cup of baking soda
2 cups of vinegar
1/2 gallon of hot water
1 tablespoon of dish soap


Remember, just because something fits down your toilet doesn’t mean it should be flushed. Avoid these everyday items to keep your plumbing and the environment safe.

Stay smart, stay witty, and continually educate yourself on proper disposal methods for different types of waste. Let’s ensure our plumbing systems and the planet are happy and healthy for years to come. So, enjoy the holiday season responsibly, and don’t let anything but toilet paper go down your toilet! Please keep it clean and safe, and have a very merry (and clog-free) holiday!

Remember, prevention is always better than dealing with a plumbing emergency.

Happy flushing! Stay informed, stay cautious, and keep your toilet free of anything that doesn’t belong there.

Sump Pump Failure

Sump-Pump Failure

Preventing Basement Flooding Due to Snow Melt and Sump-Pump Failure

A common issue for homeowners is when basements flood, especially during the winter months when snowmelt can cause sump pumps to fail. A flooded basement not only causes property damage but may also lead to mold growth and other health hazards. In this article, we’ll discuss why basement flooding occurs and provide some tips to prevent it from happening.

Why Does Basement Flooding Occur?

Basement flooding due to snow melt and sump-pump failure results from two main factors – excess water and malfunctioning sump pumps.

During the winter, snow accumulates on the ground. As temperatures rise, this snow will melt and turn into water. If there is excessive snow on the ground, it can lead to an influx of water in your basement.

To prevent flooding, homeowners typically rely on sump pumps – devices that remove excess water from basements and crawl spaces. However, these pumps can fail for various reasons, such as power outages, mechanical issues, or clogs.

Causes of Sump-Pump Failure

So, there are several reasons why your sump pump may fail. These include:

  • Power Outage: If there is a power outage, your sump pump won’t be able to do its job. This is why it’s essential to have some backup power source, such as a backup battery or generator.
  • Switch Failure: The switch that activates the sump pump may become stuck due to debris or mechanical issues. This can prevent the pump from turning on when needed.
  • Clogged Discharge Pipe: If the discharge pipe is stopped, the sump pump won’t be able to drain water properly.
  • Incorrect Installation: If your sump pump is not installed correctly, it may fail to function properly. This is why it’s essential to hire a professional for installation.

How to Prevent Basement Flooding Due to Snow Melt and Sump-Pump Failure

Sump Pump Failure

1. Keep an Eye on Weather Forecasts:

During winter, it’s essential to stay updated with weather forecasts. If there is a significant snowfall predicted, take preventive measures such as shoveling snow away from your home’s foundation and clearing your sump pump discharge lines.

2. Install a Backup Generator:

Power outages are a common cause of sump pump failure. By installing a backup generator, you may ensure that the sump pump that is also installed will keep running even during power outages.

3. Invest in Regular Maintenance:

To prevent mechanical failures, you must invest in regular maintenance for your sump pump. This includes checking the pump’s float switch discharge lines and cleaning any debris or clogs that may have accumulated.

4. Consider a Battery Backup:

In case there are power outages, a battery backup sump pump can come in handy. They are designed to automatically kick in when the primary pump fails, ensuring your basement stays dry even during power outages.

5. Be Mindful of Your Landscaping:

If your home is built on a slope, consider landscaping techniques such as grading and installing drainage systems to divert water from your home’s foundation.

6. Act Quickly in Case of Flooding:

Despite taking preventive measures, sometimes flooding can still occur. If this happens, immediately mitigate the damage and call a professional for assistance.


Basement flooding due to snow melt and sump pump failure can be a headache for homeowners. However, by staying proactive and taking preventative measures, you may minimize the risk of this issue occurring in your home.

Remember to check weather forecasts, invest in regular maintenance for your sump pump, and consider backup options to keep your basement dry and your home safe. Stay informed and prepared to avoid any unwanted surprises this winter season.

The snow may be falling outside, but with these fantastic tips, you can ensure that your basement stays dry and cozy all winter long. Monitor the weather and take the necessary precautions to prevent flooding due to snow melt and sump pump failure. And in case of any unexpected flooding, remember to act quickly and call for professional help. Stay smart and stay safe!

So go ahead, build that snowman, and enjoy the winter wonderland outside without worrying about a flooded basement.

Happy winter!